Spending some time together

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So what do you want to do now? Jeff asked this is very bored voice. How about you let me outside? His fist clenched sending shivers down my spine. Why so you can run off and call the police or even better get lost and get killed by someone else or are you just ungrateful that I speared your fucking life I could have killed you but I didn't! I backed away in fear hoping he wouldn't try to kill me again.

My hand slipped off the bottom of the bed and I fell back into the corner I started in. I've just realised how his personality can change rapidly from happy to angry. I turned my back towards him and placed my head onto the wall. I waited to get stabbed or punched . A light tap made its way into my shoulder. My head slowly started to turn to see Jeff sitting in front of me. His eyes were not angry and more  pitiful than anything else . I slowly turned to me his gaze. His head tilted. Umm....are you alright? His voice was smooth. My head slowly nodded up and down.

Oh calm down I wasn't going to actually hurt you... with this he pulled me into to a hug. He was obviously trying to make me feel better but I wasn't really enjoying it ...he really was scaring me. Tears started to drip out of my eyes and make there way down my cheeks. His head tilted and his hand reached to wipe my tears away. I pulled back and curled up into a ball. I could see his fists clutching once again. He stood up and grabbed his hoodie along with his knife and stormed out the room but he made sure to lock the door.

Killer couple  ( Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now