Life or death?

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She ran forwards with her knife in front of her. I tried to dodge but the side of her blade caught the side of my cheek. She was way to fast for me in this state.she swiped to the side and lightly cut my stomach. I fell backwards and crawled behind the tree. Hu were did you go. Each step she took was agonising. Are you over what about here? She was getting closer too me.

I ripped my top and wrapped a bit of it around my shoulder. Found you. Her head was peaked around the tree and she was looking right at me and then I noticed her knife was pointing at me. She leaped forwards but missed since I rolled out the way. I grabbed the rock and threw it straight at he face. It hit her square in the nose blood gushed out. Tears started to drip out of her eyes. IM. GONNA KILL YOU! With this she ran after me gaining closer and closer. I turned and kicked her in the stomach before hitting her in the face. This didn't stop her. She grabbed my leg and pulled me down. I grabbed her hand as the knife came thrusting forwards. I rolled over so she was under me but she pulled her legs up and kicked me off of her. I hit my back of a rock what winded me for many moments. I rolled to the right as her knife connected with the rock.

I kicked her leg and she fell but she was back up once again. I grabbed some sticks and stones and started to throw them at her. She dodged most of them but some still hit her. Her eye twitched . When I get you your gonna wish you were never born. She went to stab me but her knife snapped as it connected with the ground.

Killer couple  ( Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now