I think im starting to trust

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I woke up on the floor . Oh god I must have fell off in my sleep. I crawled forwards to see a girls top and jeans on the floor. With a small letter what read : your dress was ruined but I got you these instead~ jeff. Oh what a sweety. I pulled the top of and the jeans and looked at myself in the mirror. I won't even need clothes I'm covered in bandages every thing is covered. I placed the faint red top on and pulled the black ripped jeans on. I looked in the mirror. Ooh it's a perfect fit . I grabbed an brush out of one of the many draws he owns. Hey for a mummy I don't look bad! I giggled at myself before sitting at the window. That was sort of nice how he saved me...he really didn't need to do that. A faint tingling came into my stomach. Oh what's this....I can't be falling for him can I ?

The door swung Open and Jeff had entered once again.  He looked at me and did a pervert grin before changing it to a calm normal face. He walked over to me and sat next to me and patted my head. It's good to see that your ok... I was kinda worried. I tilted my head and gazed into his eyes. I'm really grateful that you saved me. He just rolled his eyes and mouthed the words I know. My head flopped onto his shoulder and his head rested on mine. It was really nice to be this close to someone. Jeff do you mind if we go back to that lake please I promise you I will not run away this time. He hesitated before finally agree and helping each off the bed.

Killer couple  ( Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now