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I tugged and tugged at the tape but it wouldn't come loose but the wood it was tapped around was. I pulled at it rapidly before it came if well and truly. I used my teeth to pull the tape of before using my hands to remove the rest of the tape.

I grabbed the arm of the chair and I slowly made my way out off the room the building was small compared to the mansion. I made my down the stairs and was about to rush over to the door but she blocked my escape. I swung at her but she dodged but I did it again and she fell to the floor. I grabbed the door handle and flung the door open. I ran off into the forest once again but I dropped the wood and gripped my shoulder. The blood was dripping down my body. I heard her scream and then her foot steps faintly thudded behind me. I turned to the left and ran even faster. I just ignored the pain in my leg for the time being . The cold felt like tiny pins shooting into my wounds. Tears burned as the slowly dripped down my frozen cheeks.

I could hear here psychotic giggle echoing through the forest. I turned to look behind but she was gone. I just kept on running and worried more about getting away from her. My lungs started to burn and my legs were slowing down. I stopped for a moment just to catch my breath. I heard a giggle I looked up to see her standing in front of me swing her knife back and fourth. My pupils turned small and all the hope I had vanished. I backed away but she just walked forwards. You really thought you could get away from me?

Killer couple  ( Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now