The Library

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It was lined with shelves crammed with books. The shelves were made from dark ark but had small gold patters painted on it. The seats in the centre of the room were red velvet with gold around the edges. There was also a glass roof what allowed you to see into the sky. The carpet was a crimson red.

Wow it's huge! Jeff just chuckled away at my reaction. I'm glad you like it. I also have another thing I want to show you. He walked over to the second shelf and pulled a black book out but the shelf moved and revealed a little room with a small window . Jeff pulled me inside . After I was inside the book shelf closed behind us. The room had a small desk and a chairs at one side and another little shelf of books along with a painting of a field hanging over a small sofa similar to the over ones. There was a black rug in the middle of the room. This is my secret room. He smiled a smug smile to show he knew this would impress me. Wait does this mean there other secret rooms and stuff around the place? He rubbed his chin. Yeah I guess but I only know a couple of them sorry. Now can I get back out please I need to pee. Oh ok the he pulled a thin blue book out and the shelf once again moved.

Oh jeff where's the bathroom? He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the library .there 4 in total but I'll just show you the one closer to are was right at the end of the hall. I walked inside to see one of the most cleanest bathrooms ever. I made my way over to the toilet .

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