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My eyes widened as the moon light shined onto me . Oh crap I've fell asleep. The grabbed my book and shoved it into my bag. I turned and looked around. I made  my way out the park and onto the empty streets. Theres only a small amount of street lamps in this town so I couldn't tell were I was going. It all looks the same. I pulled my phone out to check the time. 1:21am did I sleep for that long ...god I'm in so much trouble. I started to quicken  my pace . I was walking down the side of a road what had some woods down the over side. Is this the small forest near my house? Well I'm gonna be in trouble any way so it cant hurt to have a look. I walked across the road not even looking since nobody ever drives a car down these roads.

The trees were oak but some were another type of tree what I couldn't recognise. Each step I took a twig would snap. The moon flickered through he gaps in the trees. There's nothing here I'm gonna have to turn back. I turned around but was greeted with more trees. I couldn't tell left to right. Umm it's got to end. With this I ventured forward into the woods . I slid down a tree to take a break. Once again I checked my phone. 2:12am ....I'm so dead now): a twig snapped behind me and because of this I shot up like a bullet and gripped my dress nervously.

Umm hello...who's there? A twig snapped again and again it was obvious that someone is walking closer. A boy came into view and to my shock he wasn't normal I fell backwards and sat in shock.His hair was charcoal black and his skin was pale. This wasn't the thing that scared my the most his smile....was carved into his face . My eyes went wide and all my limbs were shaking. Then I noticed his white hoodie had blood splattered up it . I got to my feet and ran not even looking back. My feet pounded against the leaves and sticks making it clear witch way I was running. I slipped to the floor with this I crawled behind a tree and hid. I could hear his steps getting closer. I clutched my mouth and held my breath. His steps stopped well and truly . My head  turned to the side to see his face peaking past the tree and looking right at me. I crawled forwards before getting to my feet and unsteadily ran. I could hear his laughter echoing off of the trees.

I turned my head back to see him walk towards me like he knew he would get me one way another. My foot slipped on a rock and my head hit the trunk of a tree. My vision was blurred and it  was darkening. He was walking past me before he knelt down on one knee . He tilted his head and smiled before placing his knife next to me. Go to sleep, his voice was edged and had a slight growl to it. I soon blacked out.


She lay in front of me unconscious. I raised my knife up to stab her but I couldn't something about her was stoping me. This isn't normal... well I can't just leave her out here it'll be no fun if the rake gets her.I picked her up bride style and made my back to the mansion. She was lighter than I was expecting her to be.

I kicked the door open since I couldn't reach the handle without dropping her. Everyone in the room looked at me . What are you fuckers looking at! God I hate when people stare at me. EJ was the first to speak. Why is there a living, normal girl in the know slender will kill you if he finds out. I just rolled my eyes and pushed past him. Ben on the over hand followed me. Oooohhh is this your girlfriend Jeff huh isn't she a bit to pretty for you.. how about you give her to me~ my fists clenched. Ben will you just piss off she's not my girlfriend and why would I give her to you .. your a fucking idiot who twiddles his thumbs all day long and expects people to do what you say! Ben backed away from Jeff. Jeez I was only joking no need to get all defensive. I made my way to my room and placed her on the floor .
Why am I getting all defensive with her?

Killer couple  ( Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now