Im starting to think he likes me

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I awoke once again and I went to get up but I was pinned down by two arms. Oh god it wasn't a dream he really is hugging me and his head is resting on mine. My skin started to heat up and my cheeks started to burn. Wait now that I think... he speared my life, let's me sleep in his bed instead of the corner and snuggles into me and actually listens to me when I talk's starting to sound like he likes me. Oh morning Y/N .. Jeff yawned half way of this sentence. His hands loosened and he let me go. Does he even know boundaries?

He rolled off the bed and started to get undressed. My hands covered my eyes but left a little gap for me to peak through. He was just standing there with only his boxers on. He pulled out some black jeans and another white hoodie. He turned and looked at me .do you want anything to eat ? I was honestly still scared of him so I hesitated before speaking. Can I have some cereal please. Ok then, he turned and walked away leaving the door open. I wanted to run out but what if he's there waiting? I can't just yet I'll have to wait a while before I try my great escape. If he does like me then I can take advantage of that....but that's not really fair is it.... but he has kidnapped me. Why is life so confusing? Jeff soon arrived with two bowls of cereal one for him and one for me . I was surprised that you didn't run out and try to escape again . I just shrugged my shoulders and shoved a spoonful of cereal into my mouth.

Both me and Jeff sat on the bed eating breakfast. Umm Jeff why did you hug me last night any way. He made a loud gulp before even going to answer. I was cold so I used you for warm and that's really fucking it. I could tell he wasn't telling the truth but I was scared to confront him since he could stab me at any moment. Oh ok then. Do you mind if I keep sleeping in your bed. YE-I mean yea sure I don't really care. His cheeks were a faint pink . He grabbed my bowl and placed mine and his on top of the draws.

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