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I awake to hear a thud as Jeff had entered the room. Oh did I wake you ? He looked at me and smiled before turning away. I whimpered as I saw the blood and flesh that was scattered all over his clothes. Hey how about we go out for a walk? My eyes widened. Yes please. He walked over to me and pulled me up by my wrist and dragged me out of the room.

We made are way down the stares but I clung to him as a man walked past. He was similar to a clown but he was wearing black and white stripes. His hand were long and had sharp tips he was also quite tall compared to me.He turned and smiled at me. His mouth was rowed with razor sharp teeth . I clung to Jeff like a cat would do to there owner when scared. He just chuckled and dragged me along. we were now in the living room were everything and anyone was watching me with piercing eyes. I gripped Jeff even tighter . Don't worry as long as your with me they won't put a finger on you, he whispered this into my ear in a soothing voice. I did feel a little bit better but I was still scared.

My feet were soon resting on the dirt. Hu I didn't even notice I was wearing any shoes. He gripped my wrist harder as if he was trying to stop me from running away. So why are you letting me go outside now ? He just shrugged. I guess I'm just feel generous. The moon was high in the sky and shined down on the path in front of us. It was kinda pretty . He dragged me to the left and sprinted forwards with me. He covered my eyes and controlled my movements . He sat me down and uncovered my eyes. When vision was clear I covered my mouth in shock. In front of us was a beautiful lake surrounded with some sort of purple flower and the water seemed to glistening and dance in the moonlight. Near the top of it was a mini water wall what made it look even more beautiful. He sat next to me and pulled me in. This is my secret corner I haven't told any one about it except for you. It was kinda sweet that he showed me it. I'll be back in a moment so can you just stay here? He stood up and walked away into the woods. This is my chance! I rushed to my feet once again and made my way through the woods. One small fraction in my head wanted to stay but a bigger bit was telling me to run.

My feet bounded against the twigs and leaves and seemed to echo. Y/N WERE ARE YOU! His scream echoed through the forest and this made me run even faster.

Killer couple  ( Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now