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My throat burned and my head hurt. Were am I ? I went to rub my eyes but I was taped down. So your Jeff's new thing? My head shot up to see a girl in front of me pointing her knife towards me. She reminds me of Jeff since she had a similar carved smile to him.

If he won't have me then he can't have any one... I'm gonna rip you apart and when Jeff comes to save you he will be to late I'll break his heart like he did with me! She stuck her knife into my cheek and made a perfect line. I squirmed rapidly and tried to escape from her. You can't escape so don't even try ! She then dug her knife into my leg repeatedly. I screamed again. I hope he can hear you. He once again stabbed me but in my shoulder and then she cut down my arm before cutting your palm . I could have past out because of the pain. Look you crazy bitch he doesn't like you so get the fuck over it nobody cares! Her face turned red. She threw a punch and Bruised my cheek. He does want me but your just in the fucking way! She once again punched me.

The room became blurred . She went to throw a punch again but stopped herself it's no fun if your past out for most of it is it? My shoulder hurt the most that was the deepest cut she had made yet . Now hold on I'm gonna be gone for a moment. She walked away and left me alone in the dark.

Killer couple  ( Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now