Why me?

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After what seemed like minutes the kids had ended. I smiled at him and he did it back. Why me? His head tilted. What do you mean? You could have anyone else but you chose me instead. He smiled at me. Well you not any one your the only one I wanted and now I have you but I'll always fight to have you even if you don't want me.

I giggled at him and became embarrassed. Hey it's not funny I meant it ! Oh I'm sorry it's just that I've never had anyone say something like that to me so I got a little bit embarrassed that all. We sat together for what seemed like only moments but turned out to be an hour. So Jeff I was just wondering how many white hoodies do you actually own? Well I own 7 why? Just because you wear a new one but it soon gets ruined with blood and the very next day you have a clean white one on. Your the first person to ever notice that. He sat up and pulled me up with him . What are we doing now? Well you seem like the type who would read so I'm gonna show you the library.

Killer couple  ( Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now