Were am i?

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My head ached I honestly felt like I had been punched. I pulled my hand up to my face and wiped my eyes . I looked around to see I was in a room. The walls were covered in knife marks this only made me more scared . I stood up and ran to the door. I peaked out off the door to see an empty hallway. I made my way down almost sprinting. I turned down the stairs but a hand wrapped around my arm and pulled me back up the stairs and back down the hallway. Before pushing me back into the room. It was him the man who chased me in the woods. He leaned onto the door frame and crossed his legs. Really you just got here and your trying to fucking escape? His laughter showed he was enjoying this. I just bit my lip and backed away . As I moved away he followed . By the end of it my back was pressed against the wall.

Really I haven't even put a finger on you and your acting like I have stabbed you, his teeth grinned near the end of the sentence. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me next to him. I screamed and I tried to pull my hand away from him. He let go and let me fall to the ground. You really are an idiot aren't you? I ignored his  comment and ran past him back into the hallway. My feet pounded against the carpet. I slipped and fell down the stairs . A living room was at the end of the hall. I froze and backed away as the horrific figures all turned and looked at me with murder in there eyes. My eyes widened as the started to slowly walk towards me. I was pulled back by my wrist once again and pushed to the floor. The boy stood in front of me .

She's with me touch her and you'll have to mess with me! His voice was serious and protective in a way. He turned and grabbed my wrist again and pulled me back into the room. I'm starting to think you want to die. He locked the door and he sat on his bed and stared at me. Now what's your name? I was hesitant at first but I finally spoke. I..I'm Y/N. He tilted his head. Hu that's a nice name I guess I am Jeff the killer but you can call me jeff. He chucked a blanket at me and a pillow. That's all your getting ...that corner is your bed. With this I curled up under the blanket.

Killer couple  ( Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now