My first kiss

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I awoke like normal and jeff was beside me. But when I looked up sally was there with her teddy bear. Hi Y/N do you wanna play with me? I pushed jeffs arm off of me and climbed out of bed. I sat in front of her and asked what she wanted to play. Let's play hide and seek! After she said this blood started to pour from her four head and she hovered off the ground. She covered her eyes and started to count. I was starting to shake . I ran to the wardrobe and hid in side. She's gonna find me there's no were else I can hide. As soon as I thought this the wardrobe door opened and I fell out. Before I knew it she was on top off me choking me. I gasped rapidly and tears welled up in my eyes. The room slowly started to blur. SALLY BAD GIRL GET OFF HER!! After  hearing this she let go of my throat and let me gasp for air. She started to cry and she ran out of the room.

Jeff picked me up and placed me on the bed. Tears kept on dripping out of my eyes. Jeffs head tilted what's wrong Y/N? Why did she do that and why do people give me nasty looks or ignore me? He pulled me into a hug. It's because they see you as a new fish and a easy target I'm afraid it will stop but it will take a while but as long as I'm around I'll always protect you. With this he lift my head by my chin before wiping my tears away. He leaned closer and pressed his lips onto mine. My eyes widened before going closed . This is now my first kiss  I have never kissed anyone before until now. His arms tightened around me. My tears stopped and my mind went clear.

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