Mission complete

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I stepped in her back before sitting on it and pinning her down . I was honestly enjoying this it made me feel alive. She screamed and begged for he life but I just blocked it out . I slid my knife down her spine but pressed on enough to pierce the skin. Her tears made a puddle down the side of her head . I cut down again and again till her spine was showing.

I could see all the bone joints . I pressed my knife into one of the joints before pushing it in and dislocated the bone. I did this again and again till her screams stopped and her body grew limp. I stood up and looked at my hands to see blood dripping from them. This sight made me smile before giggling hysterically . It was total bliss! Jeff peeked his head through the window and looked at the woman's corpse in shock. Wow for your first time killing you really made a mess I wasn't expecting this I just thought you would have choked them to death, he sort of giggled at this.

Jeff.... he turned and looked at me . Yes Y/N? My eye twitched and my smile grew. I want more. With this I stormed past him and pushed him out the way. I was sprinting to the next house. This time the windows were all closed . I pulled out a hair grip out of my bra and inserted it into the key hole. It took me only seconds to pick the lock. I walked in the house and peeked around each corner looking for my prey. There was a little kids room at the end of the hall. I crept in and stared at the little boy in the bed. I raised my knife and stuck it into the side of his head instantly killing him. I walked back out and shut the door. Now for the adults. I closed the door behind me and placed a chair in the way. With this I turned the light in instantly waking the two sleeping adults. The husband ran over and swung a punch and missed . I took this chance and stabbed him in the arm pit before pushing him to the floor . I sat on his stomach and stopped him from escaping . The wife ran over and tried to pull me off but I just kept stabbing in the chest by the end of it he was nothing but holes. I stood up and stood behind the woman who was trying desperately to pull the chair away from the door. I pulled her back and stabbed her in the eye. She screamed before falling back and clutching her eye in pain. I knelt down in front of her and smiled before piercing her neck with my knife. She tried desperately to cover it but it only failed.

I made my way downstairs to see Jeff sitting and waiting on the sofa. So are you done now? I twitched rapidly. I WANT MORE!! Jeff stood up and smacked me . I froze in shock. Now listen you have had your fun but keep this up and your gonna get into a ton of shit! He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the house and back into the woods.

Killer couple  ( Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now