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I was woken by a sharp pain shooting through my body. I screamed and clutched the blanket before gagging on my own drool. Jeff turned to me and pinned me down before I could pull off my bandages. Tears streamed down my face before I slowly fainted.

I was running through the forest from someone I couldn't see. The further I ran the more things seemed to move from me . I slipped and fell down into the mud that seemed to swallow me and I then I looked up to be in a kitchen. I stood up to see blood leading into the next room. I turned the corner to see my mother sitting on a chair. My eyes widened and I ran to her and Embraced her into a hug. She didn't hug back. Mam? I looked up to see a smile carved deep into her face. I fell backwards onto the floor. Two hands wrapped around me and a familiar voice whispered into my ear. Go to sleep. I looked down to see a knife peaking through my chest.

I awoke sweating and in pain . I looked at my arms to see that they were bandaged. I noticed that I wasn't wearing my dress any more but I was instead wearing  one of jeffs black tank shirts and some shorts. Did Jeff help me? I looked around for him. I finally seen him in the corner asleep on the chair. I went to walk forwards but fell instead. My thud must have awoken him since his head shot back and fourth . He ran off the chair over to me and pulled me up back onto the bed.

I insist that you don't try to move at least for today since the rake did a number on you, his voice was almost cheerful . I looked at his arms to see he also had bandages. The rake must have done that to him as well. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you...but thank you for saving me. He just smiled and sat next to me before I once again fell asleep. Night Y/N....

Killer couple  ( Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now