Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Come on Ty! we've gotta get a move on!" Kelso shouted as she tugged the luggage behind her and headed towards the taxi that was waiting for them. Kelso's short, dork blonde hair was getting pulled and pushed by the wind, getting into her eyes that currently looked to be a light blue. She was followed by her exact double , if they had not been different genders it would have been impossible to tell them apart. Though the male who followed had slightly longer hair then Kelso, it was long enough for him to put it into a small ponytail.

"relax the roads aren't going to turn to lava, we'll make it..."Tyrell grumbled under his breath as he pulled his own suitcases behind him. "Why do we have to move in with nanna anyway? I mean I love her but..." Tyrell trailed off as he placed the suitcase in the back of the taxi before putting his sister's in and shutting the back. Luckily, Kelso and Tyrell knew this taxi driver, Adam had taken them to school for the past three years. It wasn't difficult for Adam to persuade them to let him drive them to the train station.

"You know exactly why we have to move in with nanna , anyways this'll be a good thing. To get away and forget about everything." Kelso started to scold but her tone ended rather light as she turned to her twin in the seat beside her. Kelso and Tyrell's parents moved around constantly, therefore when they had the chance to stay in one place they had jumped at the chance. They had been living with their cousin for the last four years but with a new addition to the family, the house became rather overcrowded and it caused Kelso and Tyrell to feel a little bit unwelcome.

There was one more difference that you would notice between the twins on first sight, Kelso had a smile on her face and Tyrell had a frown. This didn't mean that they always felt the emotions attributed to that facial expression, but it was clear, Tyrell was more of a pessimist then Kelso was. "I would listen to your sister there Tyrell. My boy, you need to look at this like an opportunity." Adam declared happily. He had gotten to know the Emberforth twins rather well and knew exactly what to say in order to cheer them up, usually.

Tyrell didn't say much throughout the rest of the ride to the train station whilst Kelso talked away to Adam. Their nanna was a very lovely lady and she always told the best bedtime stories when they were little. Unfortunately, they all lost touch due to traveling. They had many fond memories with their nanna but they dreaded to imagine how awkward it would be to meet her after all these years.

"You kids behave alright? You have my email if you want to stay in touch?" Adam asked as he got the luggage out of the trunk for the two. Their train was going to arrive very soon and they couldn't afford to stop and talk, though that didn't stop them. "I'm going to miss driving you two to school and learning about your off you pop you have a train to catch." They bid Adam a not so swift goodbye as they ran for their train.

By the time they had gotten to the train that they needed to spend the next two hours on Tyrell was out of breath. Tyrell didn't do much exercise in comparison to Kelso and so his stamina wasn't the greatest. Though they had plenty of time to rest and catch their breath on the train. They had two full hours of playing cards, reading and eating. They are very competitive at playing cards and got a few noise complaints but other than that it was uneventful.

With each minute that drew them closer and closer to their nanna's house they felt more and more nostalgic about their cousins' home. They would miss the small two-bedroom home. Though they hoped that they were not going to miss it very much as their nanna's house was a two bedroom. She was incredibly kind to arrange for two beds to be placed in her master bedroom whilst she slept in the spare. The twins were somewhat embarrassed that their nanna had to do that for them but they were incredibly grateful. At least they wouldn't be sharing a bed anymore.

Kelso had to almost drag Tyrell out of the chair and off the train. Tyrell didn't resist much, he knew that they had to go and meet their nanna, he just wasn't excited about starting a new life. They sat around the station for a little bit and got a warm something to drink, Tyrell got a coffee whilst Kelso got herself a hot chocolate. They hadn't heard from their nanna so they just sat where the train dropped them off.

"Are you ready for this?" Kelso asked seriously whilst sipping at her drink. They watched the people moving back and forth , going home from their day of work. They were sat on very uncomfortable seats, The kind of seats that well they were like bus station seats but you needed to balance very well on because they could spin. They were very confusing and the twins didn't know why they didn't just use the same as bus stops.

"Not like we have much of a choice now but...yeah I guess." Tyrell offered his sister a small smile before reaching over and giving her hand a squeeze. Kelso returned a smile and was about to speak before they heard someone calling their names. They looked to see their nanna coming towards them with open arms.

Their nanna was a short and thin woman, with short white hair and round glasses covering her brown eyes. She was rather strong for someone of her structure and her age was very clearly shown. She had a bright smile on her face as he welcomed her grandchildren. "Tyrell! Kelso! How are you two? I've not seen you in so long, you have grown so much!"

The twins smiled and groaned due to the pressure on their bones from the hug . "Hello Nanna." They greeted in unison which they were known to do quite a bit. They always ended up glaring at each other in the end but they liked it, not that they would admit it.

This'll be a new start for the Emberforth twins, full of school, work, friends and fantasy.

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