chapter 38

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Chapter 38

They spent a while in silence before the twins had to go downstairs extremely quietly, they had to convince their nanna that they had just gotten home and so they pretended to walk through the door. It had only been about an hour and a half since they had left the house in search of Laylian. The two women were sat in the living room drinking tea, it was getting rather late and Dawn was just packing up to leave.

"oh children! Did you find your friend?" Dawn asked as she folded her hands in front of her, causing her bag to almost fall off her arm. The twins didn't look very dishevelled considering what they had been through so it was easy to lie and say that Laylian had lost track of time. "Oh well I'm glad that you are all safe and sound! Perhaps your friends should stay the night...The darkness is coming over the hill."

Though the ominous finishing sentence put the twins on edge they didn't really have enough energy to argue at that point. They were extremely happy when their nanna agreed to having Sylvester and Laylian stay, they lived just around the corner so it was pretty convenient for school tomorrow, though the twins doubted that there would have been another option.

The girls slept on one bed whilst the boys slept in the other. It was a comforting yet stressful night for them all. They knew that they would have no choice but to go to school the next day.Sylvester was playing around with the idea of compelling the humans to not say anything but that would be around ten humans or so, he felt guilty enough just compelling one. He had also thought about just staying home with Laylian and letting Tyrell and Kelso go to school, though that thought was quick to be discarded.

Hazel had made enough dinner for the four of them, Laylian was slipping asleep on the settee from exhaustion though Kelso was enough to keep her awake. They went to bed at around Nine Pm and it was rather awkward at first. This was everyone's first spontaneous sleepover. The fae had to borrow clothes ,Tyrell's being a little too short and a little too big for Sylvester whilst Kelso's was just too small for Laylian, though they didn't really have enough energy to care at that moment. The boys fell asleep with their backs facing each other though in the night Sylvester had woken up to Tyrell's arms snaking around his waist. Sylvester cared none to move his arm, it was rather comforting.

Laylian and Kelso had a similar situation , though instead of falling asleep facing away from each other they were laying flat on their backs, well Kelso was anyway. Once they had entered the room Laylian had practically leaped for the bed and was nearly out like a light. During their sleep, they had both turned on their side and Laylian had wrapped both her arms around Kelso. They snuggled closer and closer to each other until Kelso's back was against Laylian. They seemed to sleep much better after that.

Meanwhile in the dark , cold mansion that the four friends had once been in , the shadows were crawling on the walls, swirling through the lights and causing havoc as Nero fumed. They paced around the room, throwing sharp objects at the walls every now and then, sometimes they'd hit a person though they didn't really care. . The gatekeepers had been in their grasp and they were too bloody obnoxious and snarky to realize the hole in their trap!

"Master, its understandable how they got away, it wasn't your fault." A voice muttered from one side of the room. As Nero turned their eyes landed on Brandon. Brandon's own figure was shaking and trembling , so much so that Nero was surprised he managed to speak without stuttering. Of course if he had stuttered there would have been dire consequences for presenting weakness.

"ahh yes perfectly understandable , I had the one key that I needed and I let it fall through my fingers like flour in a windstorm" Nero nodded as they started to pace around the room and running a hand through their hair. Nero listened quietly to the voices that were coming from the shadows. "We will have another chance, they won't go far from this place. Though today was still a failure."

Brandon had some sympathy for his master though he didn't really ...understand his master's train of thought sometimes. The two wanted the same thing after all and that meant that Brandon would do as Nero asks , whatever the cost. Brandon admired Nero for many reasons, Nero's courage and persistence were unmatched by any other dark fae.

Nero sighed before leaning against a broken desk, massaging their temples. "Well...I suppose we have a long day tomorrow, Tell the other peasants we're not going to school."

That night the four friends slept well and sound in Hazel's home with many vivid dreams. Though none had any out of the ordinary dreams there were still moments when they would wake up and then drift back to sleep in moments of bliss. In the morning that was a different story. There was blushes all around as they woke up to Kelso's alarm and saw the positions they were in.

Tyrell and Laylian felt like they could sleep for a thousand years more as they groggily got out of bed. Sylvester silently groaned about needing to get up but he did it with little complaint. Kelso was ready to start the day and forget about everything else that has happened.

The morning was slow as the four of them got ready two at a time. They didn't really want to take a huge amount of time getting ready though it seemed to go on the majority of the day fitting into twenty minutes. Though time went by slowly , it was plenty of time for the four to think about what was going to happen that day.

They had decided to do some research on what actually happened , though they doubted that they would find anything useful. It was worth a shot anyway, they could use the school laptops and it would give them an excuse to spend more time together in the library after school. It would be rather easy to say that they were studying.

They had to prepare themselves for the best and the worst of happenings that day, they had no clue what was coming for them. 

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