Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

After Kelso and Tyrell had unpacked most of their luggage, they had went downstairs for something to eat. They weren't surprised when they saw their nanna putting a pizza in the oven. They knew she wasn't the best cook, though she is a rather nice baker. It was a Saturday evening therefore there was a lot on the television. They had some very small conversation and all three inhabitants were hoping that the small talk would slowly -or quickly-develop into full grown and interesting conversations.

The night was quick and it soon came time for them to say goodnight and go to bed. The twins were respectful to each other of course, though they had known each other and were stuck with each other for all their lives, there was very little that the twins didn't know about each other. Though they knew that within this new school year they were determined to be seen as their own person, instead of being attacked by the hip like fate seemed to want.

Kelso fell asleep to silence whilst Tyrell fell asleep to a meditation that was playing through his headphones. Kelso needed complete and utter silence to sleep, even though she could hear the television from another room. She knew that she would need to get used to slight noise, she was used to slight muttering from Tyrell's headphones if they fell out of his ears when he was asleep.

The next day was Sunday and honestly the twins weren't the happiest. Kelso was an early bird but even she didn't wake up at five am, Hazel liked to wake up very early, it made her feel more productive. Kelso and Tyrell on the other hand were rather displeased to have been woken up at the early hour by their nanna moving around. Once they got downstairs they saw their nanna, sat on the settee and sipping a cup of tea.

"Good morning, dears! You're up early." Hazel greeted them cheerfully which caused Tyrell to groan and Kelso to wave. Considering that the kitchen was so small, Tyrell had decided to sit down whilst his sister prepared her own breakfast. Kelso was a rather picky eater so Tyrell had learnt not to even try making anything for her. He had tried a few times but she never really enjoyed it. He would learn her likes and dislikes ,he knew them like the back of his hand, though when it comes to food...her mind changes as quick as traffic lights.

The morning went slow, they didn't really know what to do as Hazel went to her bedroom in order to do some work. They were rather bored looking through the different channels on the television and even though the ornaments on the shelves were interesting, they didn't know any of the stories behind them. They sighed in unison, slumping down on the settee.

"Want to go outside?" Kelso asked Tyrell hopefully. Tyrell looked fed up. He didn't do too well with boredom. Therefore, when Kelso suggested this his eyes lit up. He very quickly rose to his feet, grabbed her hand and started to pull. Kelso started to laugh at Tyrell's excitement before allowing him to pull her up. "Well I suppose I know the answer."

"Of course I would like to go out! I'm so bored." They ventured up the stairs and to their room to get dressed. Kelso sported jean shorts and a cream jumper, whilst Tyrell wore black skinny jeans and a band shirt. They told Hazel that they were going outside and they had their phones on them.

Once they stepped outside of the house and up the path they were faced with a road. Hazel's garden was rather spectacular and well looked after, the twins suspected this was due to their grandfather's occupation. They walked side-by-side down the street, looking from right to left and observing the new surroundings.

At the end of the street there was a school, the gates were green and the twins could see some outside activities such as hopscotch on the floor. They were rather jealous of the climbing frame that the children had. They didn't have anything like that in their old school. They continued on to the left but stopped when they got half way down the street, it was somewhat of a fork in the road.

"So..." Tyrell started as he looked around for any clues on where they should go. "Right, left or forward?" Tyrell asked uncertainly, he was hoping that she would say straight forward but then again, it seemed to also lead to yet another decision. Kelso looked around enthusiastically before deciding.

"Straight forward! So, you can ask me again when we get there." Kelso replied. It seemed to be a good idea since as they passed they only saw a bit of grass on their left and some confusing looking houses on their right. They were confusing to the twins as they haven't been there before and they didn't want to get lost in the twists and turns.

When they got to the end of the street Tyrell didn't ask Kelso which way they were going, they just continued on the path. They were taking in all the buildings and cars that were surrounding them. Kelso was babbling away about what she was seeing, said things being two magpies, and a few dogs. Tyrell was looking silently and replying to her rambles. They only walked for a few more minutes before they reached some traffic lights.

They seemed to have stumbled upon some shops, this made the twin's really happy , they knew that it was not far away to the bus stop or to quickly grab something. There were two pubs, two betting shops, three food shops, a bakery, a take-away, a hairdressers, a paper shop and a charity shop. They had a quick scan of these shops, though not a lot of them were open. They decided to continue d on their way .

They passed a church and another food store before they got to another pub. The street was starting to look a bit familiar and they knew that if they went to the right then they would make it back to Hazel's house, though they had decided to continue on for the moment.

"Wow that looks cool!" Kelso's exclamation caught Tyrell's attention. He was busy looking at some graffiti on the walls and trying to work out what it was. Though Kelso wasn't looking at that, she was looking at an entrance to a forest. It was very overgrown and surrounded by a gate, he assumed that not many people cared to go in there given the state of the plants that he could see. They were very intrigued by it.

"It looks just like our forest." Tyrell muttered as they continued on. Kelso hummed in agreement as they passed a school. Though she stopped abruptly, turning to face the school. The excitement that was once in her eyes dimmed and her shoulders sagged . "What's wrong?" Tyrell asked before turning to look in the same direction "Oh..."

The twins sighed before looking at each other "School tomorrow."

Beyond the Dimensions (Book 1 of the 'dimensions' series)Where stories live. Discover now