chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Sylvester and Tyrell were rather distracted as they were looking through the trees and grass to see if there were any mark or disturbance, anything to show which direction Laylian had went in. They both had a ping of sympathy for Kelso in their chests but they didn't let that bother them, That was until Tyrell turned around to see his twin nowhere to be seen.

"Kelso?!" Tyrell shouted anxiously, his emotions almost matched Sylvester's panic.Though It was a lot easier to tell where Kelso had disappeared to. It hadn't been long since they had seen her , she couldn't have gotten very far in such a short amount of time and she was wearing heels. This was the one time in their lives that Tyrell was thankful for Kelso's taste in shoes, the indents in the ground were clear give aways of the direction she had went in.

He now realized why she was so slow in running behind them, in their panic to leave the house se had put on the most inappropriate footwear without realizing it. Though it seemed to work out in the end as Tyrell started to follow the indents in the ground. The indents led to a group of trees. Once Tyrell managed to navigate through a medium sized gap in the trees he was shocked to see a path.

The path looked very out of place in the park, they had seen some pavements but this path did not seem to match them at all. "Sylvester, come here please? This might help with our problem." Sylvester was already behind Tyrell and gave Tyrell a fright when he placed a hand on his shoulder. When Tyrell turned to look Sylvester stood with a shy smile on his face and nodded for him to go ahead.

That lasted all of two seconds until Sylvester rounded in front of him and started walking, he held a protective stance in front of Tyrell. Kelso and Laylian were both missing now and honestly he didn't know what he would do if Tyrell also left his company.

"please stay behind me and uh...stay close. "Sylvester didn't care if he was overreacting or not, he did not like the situation hat so ever and he was getting a dark feeling. His mood somewhat lifted when he felt Tyrell's hand slip through his own, the warmth of Tyrell causing a shock to go through his hand and up his arm, coursing through his body like heat from a fire.

Tyrell gave Sylvester's hand a reassuring squeeze "don't worry I'll be right behind you. Now...we should make haste, Kelso couldn't have gone far. She might have found Laylian too." The two boys continued walking. Sylvester's bad feelings were getting worse and worse as he looked at his surroundings. The place seemed more and more familiar to him, the trees became deader and deader and the pavement became more and more uneven. Sylvester's heart nearly came to a complete stop when he approached a broken fountain.

Sylvester's breath was caught in his throat as he looked around suspiciously. He had felt no shift in time, or in dimension rather. When he was having the dream of this place he had thought it seemed remarkably like the fae dimension, where the dark fae resided. Though he felt the same dark and looming presence of darkness , he did not think that they were in the other dimension. Heck he didn't know if humans were even able to survive going to the fae dimension.

The place was what Laylian and Sylvester ahd dreamt about a little while ago and the feeling was nearly the same. Sylvester was once again wondering if he was dreaming or not. The feeling was honestly very irritating and was a little bit worse then the dark feeling that was coming from the house.

There was nowhere else for Kelso to have gone and therefore the two males slowly made their way up the stone steps to the mansion. Sylvester was fighting the urge to tell Tyrell to go home but that would take too long and he couldn't guarantee that he would get home safely, he couldn't handle that kind of uncertainty.

The boys were right to think that Kelso had entered the mansion. Though the place seemed old and uninhabited. There were a few pieces of evidence that there was someone there, a few bits of the evidence being crisp packets , half-empty bottles and a piece of paper. What was written on the piece of paper should have made her extremely worried , though she was a bit too focused on one of the lines. The paper read;


I don't know what you plan to achieve by doing this, the gatekeepers are in our sights and any possible move could cause them to slip from our grasp. I will do as you order but I do not see at all how it would benefit our cause. The gatekeepers have grown fond of the humans perhaps going after them would be a better cause of action?

Yours faithfully,


Kelso was filled with confusion although there were only so many possabilities for what the letter could be talking about. Herself and Tyrell were humans, Laylian and Sylvester were the only non-humans that they knew and it would make sense for Laylian to be here fi that was the case. She didn't know who Nero was but she was assuming that the letter was written by Brandon.

Though her presence didn't stay unnoticed, as she walked through the halls she could feel that someone knew she was there. She didn't know who it was but she felt like she was being stared at. It was when she walked into a bathroom where she felt like she had to stop what she was doing, turn back and run, she had to get the hell out of there. There was blood and other nasty things all spluttered around the room.

The substances which were on the walls, mirror and toilet were not only red and green but black as well. It looked like something you would experience in a horror movie or game , somewhere you would need to go in order to hide from pursuers. But the one thing, the one single thing that had her running through the door happened when she looked in the mirror...There was a face in the shadows.

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