chapter 37

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Chapter 37

The figure that was cloaked in darkness seemed to come closer, or the shadows started to expand closer and closer towards the group. The figure seemed to be consumed by the shadows, as though the shadows was the figure's entire being. Their face and upper body were pale white whilst their eyes were black and purple. The figure had a strong jaw with a deep shadow and black markings all over their figure.

"you see...people, It was my plan to get the gatekeepers for obvious reasons..." The slender fingers of the figure reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind their pointy ears. "the fools only managed to get me one but it was rather ...obvious that the other one would soon follow suit." The figure was silent as they walked closer, the three friends backed up, Laylian now in Sylvester's arms. "how princely of you."

Although Tyrell wasn't exactly the shyest person in the world , in comparison to right now he was as shy as a mouse. "who are you?" he demanded bravely It was to the dislike of Sylvester and Kelso but both of them had to commend him for his bravery, it seems in time of peril his confidence seemed to show the most.

The figure seemed to tilt their head and chuckle "well aren't you a brave human?" the figure rose an eyebrow and crossed their arms. "well if you must know, I'm Nero...not exactly a pleasure to meet you." The purple iris' rolled in Nero's eyes. "Now...out of blatant curiosity...what was your plan?" Nero walked over to one of the cages and sat above it, not caring about the unconscious figure within.

Sylvester's grip on Laylian tightened and he did not like the fact that he was not in contact with the twins., though they were close , the situation was rather...unpredictable. There was a moment of silence between them all . Nero sarcastically checked his wrist which did not hold a watch, though the mocking nature of Nero was angering the twins.

"Honestly I have as much clue about that as I do about the radius of the earth." Kelso muttered under her breath yet Nero still managed to hear her. Tyrell opened his mouth as though to answer his sister but he quickly shut it with a single seconds of thinking.

"And yet you humans followed the fae into the line of fire? Sweet little willing sacrifices you are..." Nero smirked evilly as they hopped off the cage and started to walk around the room, checking on the people or fae that were in the cages or laying on the floor. Unbeknownst to them Laylian was waking up and returning to consciousness, thanks to the humans that were surrounding her. She was able to slip her hand out from between Sylvester's arms and grab onto Kelso, using her as some support.

"Well we have a little bit of a was just whether or not it worked properly." Sylvester managed to get out as his anxiety started to lessen, he felt the energy returning to Laylian as she lay in his arms. This caught Nero's attention as they looked up with a slight smile and a hum. The smugness and arrogance was radiating off them in waves.

"oh and what would that be? Getting trapped along with your friend whilst I feed the humans to the other dark fae? You have given me exactly what I need with no way out so please...enlighten me on your heroic plan!" Nero put their hands together under his chin in rather the stereotypical evil villain position.

"This was our plan." Sylvester muttered and gave a somewhat dark looking smile, Laylian was regaining her strength and dind't know how much energy this would take out of her but she took in a deep breath, startling Nero. Laylian held out the hand that wasn't holding Kelso's and focused. Particals started appearing out of thin air as swirls of colours started to come together. It was beautiful.

Rainbows were blending to make a blinding light appear. "Run!" Sylvester shouted as the shadows started to grow behind them as he had turned his back to Nero. The twins wasted no time before sprinting towards the light, trusting their friend to do nothing wrong to them despite the dark look that was on his face.

The twins landed with a loud bang in their room. They were running side by side and so they fell side by side, they fell from about a foot in the air and so it was rather noisy when they landed. Kelso hit her head off the side of the bed and cursed a little bit. Tyrell would have chuckled and said that it's her fault for going off without them if he wasn't already stood and looking up at the portal expectedly.

Every second of waiting seemed like an hour to the twins as they waited impatiently for the two fae creatures to appear , preferably unharmed and in one piece but the idea that it could be anything else scared the living daylights out of the two humans. The two of them knew that they were useless against Nero, dark fae feed off humans and their energy after all.

Back in the mansion there wasn't a lot of action between the twins going through the portal and the two friends going through after. There was a frustrated scream that erupted from Nero's mouth as the shadows started to consume the room even more. Sylvester did not turn back as he raced through the portal that Laylian created. The sooner that they got through the portal the sooner Laylian could rest and relax, it also meant that there was less chance that Nero could get through the portal.

Once the two fae had successfully gotten through the portal it was immediately closed and Laylian was immediately asleep. Sylvester looked around the room and landed with and saw Kelso sitting on her bed, she held her head and had her eyes shut as for her the room was spinning. Without missing a beat Sylvester walked over and laid Laylian's head in Kelso's lap, positioning her so that her body was comfortably on the bed.

Tyrell briskly walked over to Sylvester who was stood straight and tense, wrapped both arms around his shoulders and pulled him close. Sylvester was surprised at the hug but he couldn't bring himself to pull away, he didn't want to. 

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