Chapter 12

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chapter 12

"Did you really need to introduce us to them?" Sylvester pouted a little bit as he had his arms crossed. The two outsiders were still sat on the bench outside of the supermarket. They finished the conversation with the two humans quite sharply after the humans were informed that there would be two more new students. The two friends were happy that they wouldn't be the only two new people at school which is a feeling that was shared by the twins. Though Laylian was able to have a quick look at the uniforms and duplicate them. That is why she had her head laying on Sylvester's knee.

"Hey it got us to be able to see the uniform! besides..." Laylian argued against Sylvester as she looked up at him through her eyelashes. "we would have no chance guessing it was that shade of purple! Or purple in the first place!" TH articles of clothing were now in Laylian's bag, just waiting for them to be wearing it tomorrow.

"Why do we need to go to school again?" Sylvester asked once again. He knew why he had to go to school, to keep up appearances and such, though it didn't mean that he was happy about it. Though there was one other thing he wasn't happiest about either. "Also...what are we going to do about housing? I'm not sure if we could go back to the forest , we definitely cannot hide in a home with other humans in it. You cannot strain yourself anymore either." His voice became rather scolding at the last part. Laylian was known to overwork herself a lot.

"I-I am sure we'll think of something. We could sneak into an abandoned house if we need to, I saw a couple when we were coming up here. the only reason we'd need to do that is to not be bothered by humans..." Laylian had actually put some thought into this whilst she was resting. there weren't many options. She was willing to either sleep on the bench or go back to the forest but she wasn't sure if humans would disturb them. This was an uncertain game that they played and neither were willing to take really big risks.

"I ....guess this'll take some getting used to..." Sylvester trailed off as he grabbed Laylian's' bag and pulled a book out. The book looked to be very pristine yet if it was presented to you, you would be able to see immediately that it was well-loved and used often. It seemed to be made of red leather and it had a silver 'S' engraved on the front right corner. Sylvester also grabbed one of Laylian's pens and started to write all of the day's events. It wasn't the easiest with Laylian in his lap but he tried his best to write as neatly as he could, using the arm of the bench as support for the book.

"I'm really happy that you like that book." Laylian smiled as she watched the pen move across the paper, she was so proud of her friend learning how to write and read. She tried to teach him as often as she could but it was difficult. She had no teaching experience or qualifications and they didn't really want to spend their time together stressing on the correct ways to write the letter 'q' or any letter or number for that matter.

"Of course, I love it, it's one of the most valuable things to me now...though I can never seem to completely fill it." Sylvester started enthusiastically but trailed off in confusion at the end. He wrote in it a lot but it never seemed to get any further to filling. His previous writings were still there but now he started to look back over what he previously wrote, making sure that none of it vanished or anything. Unbeknownst to Sylvester, Laylian gave a small yet smug smile appear on her lips before she sat up, removing her head from his lap.

The sky had begun to darken and their clothes were rather soaked through. "I think it's about time we go look for a roof to put over our heads." Laylian told Sylvester as he started to put his journal away. Laylian held a hand out to him as she stood up, which he gladly took and they walked hand-in-hand back down the way that they came.

Though it was starting to seem familiar to them they had to go up a street that they didn't know, halfway between the school and the shops there was one road that you could go up and the friends decided that they would check out the properties up there for any "sold" or "for sale" signs. They would easily be able to tell if a house had anyone in it. They felt a little bit guilty living or staying somewhere they weren't invited . Perhaps if they were to find a card they could but one of the properties? They wouldn't need to worry about anything if they were able to do that.

They had two options along this road, they decided on the one that was a bit further from the school. The house hadn't been sold yet but it seemed like it had no inhabitants The house was white on top and a light brown on the bottom, the roof was a uniformed brown such as the rest of the houses on the street. The door was black with two rectangular windows and it was rather easy for Sylvester to get it unlocked. As fae they are naturally graceful and careful creatures so it would be easy for them to stay the night and not disturb anything.

It was a simple house but that's all that they needed for the night or upcoming days. They knew that they wouldn't' be able to leave anything there which would give them away, just in case a human came to have a look around. They hoped that this wouldn't happen as the house was nearly perfect for them. It was a two-bedroomed house, like a lot of the houses seemed to be in the area, and it just had the necessities. The wallpapers, carpets and furniture were not at all to either of their tastes but they were just happy to have a bed , a bed is more than they could ask for. Especially Sylvester, who spent most of his nights asleep in trees or on hard forest floors.

Though just because he had the opportunity to sleep on a bed it didn't mean that he took it. He found himself lying on the hard wooden floor of the bedroom, nails sticking into him in several uncomfortable places. He was very uncomfortable sleeping or lying on the bed as he felt like he would fall through it. Laylian said that when they are settled that he could get a firmer mattress and hopefully he would get used to it. But for now, they had school in the morning and needed to rest.

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