Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Hazel Jewlson's home was small and cosy. The twins actually hadn't been there from what they could remember. The two story house was very unfamiliar to them as they arrived, they had taken the bus with all of their luggage. It wasn't the best option, but Hazel didn't drive as her eyesight got worse with old age.

"Right well...make yourselves at home! Your bedroom is on the don't mind sharing a room do you? I could always stay downstairs, or I could sort out the attic-"Hazel started to ramble as she was struggling to open the door. This caused Tyrell to stand up to the steps and take the bag which was restricting her movements "Oh thank you dear."

Tyrell replied with a polite smile and a shake of his head whilst Kelso spoke up "Nanna we don't mind sharing a room, you have already done so much for us. You've been fantastic already." They entered through the maroon front door, which held stained glass windows in the shape of long rectangles. From the outside the house looked very well put together and the twin's doubted that it would look like that inside.

Though they weren't completely wrong, they were also not correct. They had only seen one corner of the house when they talked to their nanna on the computer if she could get the camera to work. So, they were a bit shocked when they opened the door. It was a tidy house, but it was filled with a lot of bits and bobs along with odds and sods.

As you entered the cream-walled passageway you are greeted with two mismatched doors. One door was a similar shade of cream whilst the one on the left was an almost black colour. If the twins looked behind the cream door, they would see a kitchen. It was a very small kitchen and there was no dish washer or clothes dryer. The main colour theme of the kitchen was red and yellow, which gave it a warm glow in the otherwise gloomy England. There were several plants on the windowsill and there was a cork board hanging next to the back door, full of Hazel's memories and reminders.

If the twins were to look through the black door then they would be presented by the living room. In the living room the walls were a light brown whilst the floors are green. Hazel claimed that the colour palette of this room was in remembrance of her husband. There were several oak bookshelves lining the walls which matched the brown leather settees which faced the rather large television. The curtains were also a shade of green and they held little leaf designs on them. On this windowsill there was a small water fountain and an incense burner, which the twins hoped didn't get used a lot as they knew their nanna would forget that something was burning.

The cushions that were placed on the settee were also cream and green, holding patterns of leaves. The twins were told that their grandfather loved nature, so much so that his occupation was gardening. The main focus of the room was a beautiful mantel piece. The wood matched the bookshelves and there was intricate carvings all surrounding the brim of it. On top of the mantle place there was an old-fashioned looking clock which seemed to be a little slow, two small statues that neither Tyrell or Kelso knew the meaning of and an hourglass with a snake slithering up it. Hanging over the top of the fireplace was a large mirror outlined with a golden frame. The room was spectacular.

The twins did not look through these doors however. They were tired and they were eager to see where they were sleeping. They took their shoes off and placed them in the shoe cupboard which was opposite the living room door. They held the white banister as they got halfway up the stairs. In the middle of the stairs was another door, this one was red and plain. The twins had been in enough houses to know that this was the toilet and they decided not to look in. They both knew how small it would be and would rather find out their Nanna's preferred air freshener fragrance another time.

When they got up to the top of the stairs it was very obvious which door their bedroom was, even if they weren't told, the big sign that said 'Tyrell and Kelso' made it pretty clear. The sign itself was on a wooden board, it looked like it was homemade, though it was very well done. The writing was in cursive and there were different colours for their names. Tyrell's was written in purple whilst Kelso's was written in blue. The other doors that were on the landing were not as interesting as this one to was to the twins though they were equally as if not more decorated. The one that led to Hazels room also had her name on it, along with several chalk-drawn pictures of flowers and trees.

The other door was adjacent to the stairs. Actually this door was open so it was very easy for the twins to see that it was a bathroom. The twins were very excited about what they had seen as they only had a shower in their cousin's house. Their Nanna had a rather large bathtub, which they were both very much looking forward to using. The walls of the bathroom were a light pink and the tiles that surrounded the bath were of light pink roses. The room was themed quite romantically.

The twins paused at their door, hesitating to turn the handle. "Are you ready?" they asked each other in unison which actually caused them to grin this time. When they opened the door, they were shocked. In their cousin's house they had slept in a white walled, beige floored bedroom with a twin sized bed and a small chest of drawers. This room that they were staring at was more than they could ever imagine.

There were two single beds , each on a separate side of the room. There was a window between those beds and a wardrobe on the adjacent wall from the window. That sounds very simple. Though the twins could see the amount of consideration that Hazel put into designing their room. One side of the room held a galaxy design, it was an extremely beautiful mix of pinks, purples, blacks and blues with little stars dotted around. The other side of the room was painted like a meadow with a small lake at the corner. The twins wondered if their nanna had ordered special wallpaper or if she had painted this herself. They both knew their nanna as quite the artist. The wardrobe was very old-fashioned like the clock that was on the mantle in the living room. It was big enough for the both of them and they were very convinced Narnia could be in there. The quilt covers were in their respective favourite colours .

The twins gave each other a grin and Kelso ran to her side of the room, Diving into the blue bed next to a glassy lake. Tyrell calmly walked over to the purple bed which seemed to be floating in the middle of outer space. He calmly sat down and looked around , there was no need for them to have a television or anything like that in the room, they had their laptops. They had some shelves that they could display their possessions on. They could make this room their own.

"This is ...amazing isn't it Ty?" Kelso asked whilst turning her head to look at her brother who was staring around the room. Their eyes met, they had the stereotypical twin conversation that you hear about in television shows and the like. The twins spend so much time together it wasn't difficult for them to realize what the other person meant.

"Yes, it's...much more then I had expected." Tyrell admitted with a small smile on his face. Tyrell wasn't thrilled what so ever about the move. Kelso was happy to see the smile that was on his face, it was difficult to make Tyrell smile as he was always so serious. The change in scenery was already changing his mindset. At least that's what Kelso hoped.

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