chapter 39

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Chapter 39

The four friends had decided to head to school early and get some breakfast there. They were hoping to get some sort of reassurance that everything was calming down. Some of them were hoping that the day would get their mind off the whole ordeal whilst others were eager to find more information about everything.

The fae were looking forward to the day, despite all that had happened and the stress that they were feeling. They were having their favourite subjects and were hoping it would do good to cheer them up. This was the case, at least until breaktime. It had seemed that all had went back to normal.

They didn't notice that anything was wrong or unusual for the first two hours of school. They didn't see anyone in the hallways or heard any rumours about their social demise. Though when they were sat in the library and John approached them, they weren't expecting to be interrogated.

"Hello...H-have any of you seen Bryan at all? Or Erin? Or Brandon? Or Alex?" John seemed to be extremely on edge as he rocked back and forth on the spot. Lily was behind him but as usual she didn't talk very much if at all. She gave a polite little wave to the four friends before stepping back behind john.

"umm..." Laylian started to say awkwardly, she felt like it was her job to explain and come up with an excuse for them. The way that John had phrased his question made it significantly easier for her. "To be honest I haven't seen any of them today, we saw them yesterday but that was at lunchtime." This was true None of them had seen Bryan or Erin since the day before.

John had seemed to deflate a little bit as Tyrell, Sylvester and Kelso nodded in agreement. Lily seemed to relax a small amount as Sylvester heard a small sigh of relief escape from her lips. "Oh..well thank you anyway, I think Eden and Devin were looking for you? I'm not sure ...they might come over to see you at lunch."

Much to The group of friend's confusion, John was right. During lunchtime they were approached by Eden and Devin. Devin was dragging Eden over to them by her wrist. Though Eden didn't seem to be complaining much as the smile was still prominent on her face. The four friends had no idea why the two girls would like to talk to them but they seemed to be no danger to the four.

Despite them not being a danger to the four, Sylvester was still on edge as the two people approached. They had no clue if Brandon and Alex were just doing as Bryan commanded and therefore it would be easy to assume that Devin and Eden would just do as Bryan asked. They still had no clue who on earth -or in other dimensions- Nero was, they just knew that Alex and Brandon kidnapped Laylian for Nero.

"Hey guys!" Devin said as she stood behind Laylian. From all of the encounters over lunchtime they have all had, none of them had sat down at the table with the four friends. This was something that Kelso found rather unnerving as it felt like they were rather small in comparison to those who were standing. "How's it going?" Devin continued somewhat awkwardly.

The feeling that they had came over with very little preparation was a little confusing to Tyrell as John had said they had been looking for them since at least breaktime, which was over an hour ago. "I'm doing pretty good thanks!" Tyrell replied with a polite smile on his face .

"I'm doing alright." Sylvester said and put a smile on his face when Tyrell gave him a slight nudge in the arm. Kelso simply nodded in agreement with the two males as the cousins smiled politely.

"I'm rather well, how about you two? Are you doing alright?" Laylian asked, her friendly nature burning through her words and surrounding the six and anyone else who was in a ten foot radius. This caused Sylvester to smile a little bit. It was totally like Laylian to forget or put aside whatever had happened to show kindness to others, he admired that about her.

"Oh we're doing pretty well! We were just wondering if we could meet up after school sometime!" Devin started to say but then Eden elbowed her. Laylian was met with awful déjà vu at those words and shivered a little bit. "Oops let me rephrase that! Uh-" Devin tried to cover up a little bit but Eden interrupted her.

"Our grandmother said that she knows your nanna, we were wondering if we could come over to your house with her at one point she wants us to get to know you better." Eden said rather bluntly and politely at the same time. It only took a moment or two for Tyrell and Kelso to figure out that it was Dawn who they were talking about.

"Wait do you mean dawn? Is she your grandmother?" There was a little hint of confusion in Kelso's voice as the cousins and Dawn looked nothing alike but the twins didn't like to assume anything, perhaps the two cousins were adopted into the family somehow or they just didn't share many physical features simply because of genetics.

"yeah, Dawn adopted our moms when they were younger , around about six years old. " Devin started to explain happily, much to the annoyance of Eden. Eden thought that Devin was a bit too trusting but the four people seemed alright plus their grams liked them. Therefore she decided not to argue as Devin continued "We like to spend a lot of time at our grams house, she's a lot less strict then our parents. Plus it's much more interesting."

The twins nodded in acknowledgement. "umm...yeah sure I guess, if you're coming around with your grandmother maybe Friday? Or at the weekend? Sometime where it's warm so we could go in the garden perhaps!" Kelso said cheerfully , she hoped it didn't sound too odd that she was asking for them to come so far away.

"that's fantastic, I'll bring my paints probably just uh- incase! I heard that you nanna has nice flowers" Eden began to blush embarrassed that it made her seem like she was already planning distractions. The two cousins then bid a very quick farewell as they were practically beign pushed out of the school and to the yard.

"well..." Sylvester started to say before a grin appeared on his face "that was-"

"nope!" Tyrell interrupted him as he grabbed Sylvester's hand and started to pull him towards the stairs. "we're not saying those cursed words." 

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