Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Laylian and Sylvester were falling...and falling...and falling...and a little bit of screaming too. It was as though they were zooming in on the earth from the sky itself. They were plummeting to the ground at a very quick pace. Though they were both lucky that Laylian could think under pressure, she mustered up some of her residual energy to create a sort of trampoline. It was rather small and they both thanked whatever higher power there was that they landed on it safely.

They both landed with a grunt, staying on the trampoline type thing for a moment before Laylian unconsciously made it disappear. They fell once again but it was only about two feet. They let out a 'humph' as they hit the dirt. Laylian stayed like that for a while which caused Sylvester to turn her head to the side. Laylian was exhausted. Sylvester sat up a little bit, spitting dirt out of his mouth that accidently travelled in there when he hit the ground. He looked around with wide eyes, the forest looked like his home, though it didn't feel like his home. There seemed to be an imbalance of nature. He was used to animals and nature living in harmony and not posing any threat to him, he could feel some sort of restlessness.

"Having fun there?" Laylian asked as she put an arm on her forehead. Summoning things did take a lot out of the fae and laylian had only summoned the entrance to the portal and the trampoline. This lead Laylian to have a lot of sympathy for the old fae that created the dimensions in the first place. It must have been excruciating to have created something so big even if they were one of the most powerful fae.

"Yes, as a matter of fact." Sylvester slowly made it to his feet and started to look around. When he turned 180 degrees he had stopped, gasped, and threw himself to the ground. His wide eyes and startled actions scared Laylian as she quickly forgot about her tiredness and looked behind her. What she saw made her laugh in joy , so much so that she was holding her stomach and rolling on the floor.

What scared Sylvester so much ...was cars. She felt a little bit bad for laughing but she honestly didn't expect someone to have such a startled reaction towards cars. It's true, he hadn't seen cars in all his years. He stayed in the forest behind the castle and that meant most roads and things were on the other side of the castle from him. He hadn't seen cars before or most 'modern' things. Laylian had shown him her phone but he had no clue how to use it.

"Sylvester!" Laylian laughed out , still chuckling and bursting into a fit of giggles at several points. Every time she would look at him she started to giggle again. "Those are cars, I've told you about them before!" This caused Sylvester's face to turn bright red with a blush. He hit her shoulder and pouted cutely, after all it wasn't his fault he wasn't used to technology.

The playful atmosphere seemed to die down a little bit as Sylvester rubbed the back of his neck "Um what now?" He asked his friend as she started to stand up. Laylian wiped the dirt off her clothes before looking around . She picked her bag up off the floor where it had fell before opening it and balancing it on her leg.

"Firstly." Laylian started as she pulled a lot of fabrics out of her bag "We have got to get changed, we wouldn't' stand a second here unless there was a renaissance festival or something." Sylvester was too busy wondering what a renaissance festival was to notice Laylian throwing clothes at him. "Go get changed! I won't look I promise."

Sylvester groaned and walked a little bit away, he was glad for another change of clothing though. He had been wearing the same pair of brown trousers, white shirt and well he stopped wearing shoes a long time ago. He looked down to the clothes he was handed and saw some very new looking garments, There was a pair of black jeans and a blue shirt. He was a bit disappointed to see there was no shoes there, though he didn't know his own shoe size so that would have been a bit difficult.

When Sylvester was done he headed in the direction he came from, he say Laylian's bag but no Laylian. He decided to sit by her bag and wait for her to get back. There was a few minutes of silence before he heard shouting "Hey you there! What on earth are you doing here?" Sylvester froze where he sat and didn't dare move, his eyes were staring in front of him and he didn't dare look away. He looked like a deer in headlights as two men in uniform approached.

The men slowly approached him with their hands on their radio, though Sylvester didn't look intimidating he was in the middle of the woods, with no sign of forced entry or anything. The gate wasn't exactly locked but that was because no one ever went in there. "Boy you didn't answer...who are you and what are you doing here? It's not safe." One of them said calmly in an attempt to calm the startled boy. Sylvester still had his black cloak on even though he doubted it would be necessary in the human dimension.

To the officers he looked incredibly strange, lost and somewhat adorable. The fae had a tendency to draw humans and other creatures to them . Considering that Sylvester nor Laylian had seen any humans in person, they were inexperienced in this field of communication.

"I-I Uh." Sylvester tried to stutter out a sentence. He mentally kicked himself, he was supposed to be a dark fae! His species-controlled humans in the past and he couldn't' even defend himself in front of them. Luckily it was the point where Laylian decided to pop out of the trees. She wore light blue jeans and a very pretty white shirt, she wore white tennis shoes as well as a white hair tie.

"Hello? Is something the matter?" Laylian asked charmingly, even though the fae couldn't control creatures, the goodness and pure positivity that could radiate off them is more than enough to get humans to listen to them and do what they wish. Most humans anyway, those whose guards aren't that high or those who aren't in touch with the metaphysical.

Laylian walked forward and put an arm around Sylvester comfortingly. "I-there's no issue but this forest er-woods don't get visited often..."One officer muttered whilst the other nodded . There was a very awkward silence before they decided to speak again "s-shouldn't you two be in school or something?" There was an attempt to muster up his authority and make himself sound stern but It wasn't really convincing.

"Yes, yes we should but we had to take the day off today." Laylian said smoothly, she's the kind of person who you would expect to do no wrong . Her act seemed to be going rather well. Sylvester had tensed a little bit, he hoped that they wouldn't make them go to school or anything. This is his first encounter with a human and he wasn't doing too well. Laylian was proud of herself and the way that they might be able to get out of this.

"I'm sorry but we're going to have to escort you to your school. It's not far from here but these woods are dangerous. You never know what you will find here."

Beyond the Dimensions (Book 1 of the 'dimensions' series)Where stories live. Discover now