Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Sylvester and Laylian were still in the forest, though they needed some sort of permission to enter to the other dimension. They knew this permission would come from the old fae that created the dimension in the first place. That was where the gateway between the dimensions was held. Sylvester was shaking in silent worry about whether or not he would be able to pass through the gate, though he was also shaking from the excitement of the possibility. The possibility of leaving the judgemental world behind him so that he could start a new life with the humans. He hoped that he would get along better with humans then he did the fae.

"Isn't this exciting silver?! We might be able to see the humans, I've only ever heard about them in-what's wrong?" Laylian was chatting away excitedly and nervously at the same time, she was finding it difficult to stay still. Though she did notice that Sylvester was walking a little bit slower then he usually does.

"Oh, Um it's nothing...don't worry about it." Sylvester shrugged with his head down, usually he was much more confident and playful around Laylian. This is why it was very clear there was something wrong with him. Any other day Sylvester would be smiling at the little things, the nature or animals he would pass, but he made no notion of acknowledging what they passed. Laylian came to a complete stop to put her hand on Sylvester's arm .

"Look...if you're nervous about whether or not you'll get through, don't be. Surely the gatekeeper will understand that not all dark fae are bad." Laylian smiled comfortingly as her hand travelled down to Sylvester's hand which she gave a light squeeze. Sylvester tried to muster up a smile before squeezing her hand in response.

Their walk was no longer quick and hurried but rather peaceful. They hadn't really ventured much into this part of the forest. They were usually told not to, since many dark fae were known to attempt an escape to the human world.

They walked for around another forty more minutes before they reached a sort of barrier in the forest. They couldn't see the barrier as it was invisible. They had to know how to get the barrier to become visible. Only a few people know how to make the gateway visible. It was actually rather simple and easy. They just had to use their powers. Well Laylian had to use her powers to create the gateway. It's a very effective way of keeping the dark fae out though the fae usually over complicate it.

"...Well then..." Laylian muttered as she put her bag down and held her hand up to the invisible barrier. Sylvester just watched in wonder as her hand began to shimmer. It was as though she had dipped her hand into clay and it was starting to grow from her fingertips. Or rather it was as though a wall was vanishing into her hand, in slow motion, in reverse.

"Wow...." Sylvester gasped in shock. Sylvester had seen her magic before, but it was always small things such as fruits or books, nothing compared to the gigantic wall and gate that she was creating. The wall was grey stone with some glimmers of gold through the stones. The doors that lead to the other dimension were very big and had intricate carvings in the wood. There were two handles which looked like crowns in the middle of the door. Once the entire wall was completed Laylian stumbled back into Sylvester's arms. "Hey are you okay?" Sylvester asked concerned.

"mmm yeah just tired..." Laylian muttered as she tried to steady herself. Sylvester grabbed her bag and put it on his shoulder. He let her lean on him but he didn't dare try to open the door just in case it had a dislike to dark fae. It was just a wall but Sylvester had the idea in his mind that even things created by the fae or just random objects automatically disliked him because he was a dark fae.

After a moment of silence and no action between them Laylian sighed . She was still holding and leaning onto Sylvester as she opened the door. They didn't know what they were expecting but it wasn't what they saw by any means. What they saw was a glorious statue, they had heard of it before but they didn't expect it to be the size that it was.

It was an opalite statue of the fae that had kept the humans safe for thousands of years, though it was much bigger then what they were expecting. It was obviously not to size but the amount of detail that was in the statue was amazing and astounding. It made the two friends speechless. They both had open mouths as they looked at each other, The light was shining through the opalite which caused a plethora of rainbows to dance around.

They walked further towards the statue in a sort of trance. They jumped and shrieked as the mouth of the statue started to open and a deep voice called out to them "Who wishes to travel the dimensions?" The friends were quiet as the eyes of the statue seemed to glow a strange purple. "Speak!" the statue shouted impatiently as though they were very low on time.

"M-my name is Laylian Lekalai Caileafaq a-and this is my best friend Sylvester Sterling Klesifor-" Sylvester flinched at the sue of his full name but attempted a smile. "We wish to enter the human dimension." Laylian continued bravely considering the strange circumstances. The statue's eyes seemed to glow even more as he inspected the two of them. It's head tilted to the side and it felt as though he was looking through their souls, they felt as though every memory and intention was right in the open.

The statue seemed to go back to normal once again with a final word "Proceed." The ground beneath them seemed to open up and a whirlpool appeared. The whirlpool was a glorious mix of blues and whites. It looked like the sky almost. Laylian was no longer leaning on Sylvester as they held hands. They bid the statue a silent thank you before stepping forward. Into their new life. 

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