chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The next day seemed to be beautiful. The skies were blue and there was a slight breeze. The birds were singing happily and everything was good in the world. The twins met up with their new friends on the way to school. They met up on the corner of their street and headed to school together, having fun and pointing things out as they passed. Tyrell had his phone out and was playing some music very quietly. It felt like an ideal scene to the humans.

Their first lesson was religious studies, Though it was mainly to do with philosophy at this point so Laylian and Sylvester could easily grasp the difficult and other-worldly concepts. They had very open minds in comparison to the humans, well when it came to the supernatural and what is out there they did. Their rights were actually a lot more restricted then the humans – but we'll come to that another time. The thoughts of fae rights were front and centre in the minds of Sylvester and Laylian throughout the lesson. They tried their best to push it down but it kept creeping in. So they just tried to focus their attention on Plato's cave analogy.

Sylvester found the analogy of the cave to be rather fascinating. It's the idea that people only see shadows of the world, they never see the 'erfect' or 'true' versions of things, they only see a shadow on a cave wall where they are trapped inside. Then one prisoner -that's what the people are referred to – escapes and sees the sun outside. The sun represents the perfect world of the forms which all humans should try and aim to see.

Sylvester found this concept very interesting, he seemed to have a very large interest in philosophy from what his friends could tell. He was asking and answering questions presented to him rather well. This thought made Tyrell ecstatic, he also liked the topic of philosophy and he previously had no-one to talk to about this interest until now.

After that class they had Business studies, this is where Laylian shined. Of course it was one of her best subjects at human school, it was practically all that she had been taught at home. As her mother was the advisor to the queen, she was expected to know all there is to know about business and ruling a kingdom. She was very proud of herself as she held conversations with the teacher throughout the class. She didn't care what the other students may have thought about her at that point. She was having fun learning and interacting with the materials that were being taught.

The small break was very similar to yesterdays, except for a small interaction in the library. The four of them were sat in their usual spot when John approached along with a younger-looking girl. This girl looked very much like John , brown hair and adorable large brown eyes. She seemed a little bit more nervous then John, which the twins thought was almost impossible. "uh hi? Sorry about yesterday I uh didn't get your names? This is lily...uh I'm s-sorry but we're in a bit of a hurry. We just wanted to know if you could sit with us today?" John rambled with a red face . Lily waved when her name was said but other then that she stayed behind John.

The four friends looked at each other. Kelso didn't see a problem with getting to know other people and Laylian seemed interested in making more friends. Tyrell was hesitant, he had just gotten used to his two new friends and he thought he would be intimidated by that large group of people. Sylvester was straight up against it, sure he thought that the idea was exciting and he would literally follow Laylian -and now his other two friends- anywhere, though he had a bad feeling about this group of people.

"Uh...yeah sure we could! Is it the same table as we saw you sitting at yesterday?" Kelso answered after she got some sort of confirmation from her friends. John's shoulders seemed to have a weight lifted off them as he sighed in happiness. He closed his eyes for a moment before he seemed to realize that there were other people in the room and his small moment of relaxation was jolted away from him.

"Oh thank goodness! Yeah it is ! see you then bye!" John quickly pulled lily out of the library. Lily gave a small smile and wave on her way out. The four friends were a bit surprised and confused. It was rather unusual for someone to come up to check if you were sitting with them at lunch and only that.

"Did that seem a bit odd to anyone else?" Tyrell asked with furrowed eyebrows. There were a few noises of agreement whilst they started to gather their things and headed to science once again. Today's class was about chemistry. They were doing experiments about acidity. They placed a liquid indicator into beakers and put different things inside the indicators. Their teacher made a big tub of colour out of the indicator mixed with several different things. It was a rather relaxed lesson.

During lunch they didn't sit down at their normal table but instead they sat at the one they saw the group sitting at yesterday. They were a little bit early and so none of the group had arrived. It was a little while before two dark-skinned females approached the table. They both had pretty welcoming looks on their faces. The one with straight hair and brown eyes seemed to be almost bouncing on the balls of her feet as she headed over to the table. The one with sort curly hair and blue eyes was a lot calmer but she seemed happy to see the four at the table.

"Hello!" the curly haired girl said as she sat down next to Kelso "It's great to see that you decided to sit with us! I'm Eden and that's my cousin Devin!" Eden gestured to Devin who gave a small smile and wave. "Everyone else will be here soon, Bryan, Darius, Lawrence and Erin are usually kept behind after classes...and the others just like to take their time after PE."

"It's nice to meet you two, I'm Kelso and this is my brother Tyrell." Kelso introduced herself and her brother cheerfully. She had expected Laylian or Sylvester to introduce themselves, mainly Laylian, but they didn't seem too eager. The confidence that Laylian had when it came to social interaction had seemingly extinguished. "This is Laylian and Sylvester!" They each gave a wave and a smile as they were introduced.

The rest of the group seemed to quickly appear. Their personalities were a bit intimidating. Particularly those who were kept back after class. Lily, John, Devin, Eden, Brandon and Alex were rather pleasant to talk to. Though you could easily tell that Bryan was seemingly in charge of the group. He had an air of intimidation. Bryan was muscular, with blonde hair and brown eyes. He seemed to always have a smirk or an irritated look on his face.

Just before the group was about to go their separate ways Bryan got the four's attention. "So you want to go on the trip this weekend? It's nowhere big, just the forest opposite the school. All of us are going out there and having a little camp." The faces of some in the group seemed to become fixed. As though the y were faking their smiles and happiness as Bryan was talking about the camping trip. Sylvester was the only one to notice this , he made a mental note of it but ignored it, perhaps they just didn't like going camping.

"Umm" Kelso looked at her twin. They really wanted to have a look inside those woods and it would probably be the best for them to go with people and not by themselves. Tyrell gave a small nod to her in agreement. "Tyrell and I are up for it! We've been curious about the woods since we arrived." Bryan nodded to her before his eyes turned to the two fae creatures.

Sylvester looked a bit unsure but they had been in the woods before, not much bad could happen. At least that is what Laylian was trying to convince herself of. "Sure we can come. It'll be interesting for our first time camping out!" Laylian said with an unsure smile and chuckle. At least They will have some friends with them.

Bryan gave a wide smile and he said with a certain look in his eyes "Wonderful! I can't wait."

Beyond the Dimensions (Book 1 of the 'dimensions' series)Where stories live. Discover now