chapter 40

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Chapter 40

That afternoon after school the four friends were sat in the library, it was only open for an extra hour or so after the school classes ended. It was rather nice sitting in the library together with only about two other people there. They were sat in their usual seats in the square , having a small and hushed conversation about what happened when Laylian had met up with Alex and Brandon.

"wait so you found talking to a bird?" Laylian asked somewhat teasingly to Sylvester who had began to blush at how blunt the question was put. Though he nodded regardless and put his head down sheepishly . If they were closer then what they were Laylian would have pulled him in for a hug. "Awe I'm proud of you!" Laylian said happily which only made Sylvester's blush deepen.

There was a moment where they were all thinking of what happened silently. Though Kelso nearly fell out of her seat as she remembered what she had found in the room which looked like a living room. "oh shi-" Kelso's eyes grew wide as her hands reached for her head in frustration. This left the other three to look at her in confusion. "how in the bloody -how could I forget that?!"

All three of them were freaking out at kelso's freaking out. "wait, wait Kelso slow down!" Tyrell placed his hands on his sister's shoulders. This did little to help and they were starting to get attention from the two other people in the library. "what's the matter? What did you forget?" Tyrell asked worriedly because by the look on Kelso's face it was something that was very important.

"I saw something else in that house." Kelso said loudly which made all three of them look around just in case anyone could hear her. "there was a note...and it was talking about gatekeepers and humans and I don't know it made it sound as though someone was going after us or something..." Kelso started to bite her nails at the realization of what was written.

"so...what?" Sylvester said somewhat confused. "there was a note at the place that mentioned humans....we...need to find out what they mean about the gatekeepers... the only gatekeeper we know is...well we haven't told you much about that have we?" Sylvester said slowly once he realized that the humans probably wouldn't have much of an idea about the gatekeeper or the history between the worlds.

"yeah...we haven't really told you about how the dimensions came to be or what protects them." Laylian trailed off slowly. "to...put it simply cause of a war the dimensions were created because of a gatekeeper, a very old fae who was kind enough to create the dimension so that the humans would be safe from the fae." This caused the humans to be more confused then they were in the first place.

"well...that helps just a little bit...not much but a little bit." Tyrell said as he ran his hand through his hair. "'re the only fae here right? And they did take Laylian so it's not surprising if the humans they were talking about was us." Tyrell continued logically with a small hint of fear. Despite them trying to stay calm and acting somewhat normal in the library there was a looming shadow of fear surrounding them.

"don't worry." Sylvester said comfortingly as he looked Tyrell directly in the eyes. It seemed very personal between the two of them and Sylvester got flashes of how close they were in the mansion. His mind had also drifted back to how they slept and a blush creeped upon his face and therefore he had to look away in order to hide his red cheeks.

"yeah please don't stress about it . We'll keep you safe no matter what. okay?" Laylian said calmly. It was then the twins saw the differences between the fae and the dark fae. Sylvester was rather protective and he would be the kind of person to fight in order to protect someone fiercely. Whereas Laylian would need to be pushed to the limit, laylian could be protective when she needs to be but her first instinct is to be friendly. Sylvester was more aggressive whilst laylian was more defensive.

"I know we trust you guys with our lives and we've only known you for so little time. It's odd for us." Tyrell said as he twiddled his thumbs. It was true, they trusted the two fae more then they had trusted anyone in their lives. Having to move around all the time they didn't get a lot of time to interact with and build bonds with people. They cared for their cousins and family members that they had stayed with but the relationship didn't seem as thorough as it was with the fae. The four of them just naturally clicked in a way that the humans hadn't experienced before. This had the fae thinking about their relationships.

Sylvester only knew kindness from Laylian , having someone else be kind to him was odd. Laylian was happy that she had friends that she could be herself around, somewhere she didn't need to know everything or act like the nobility she was born into. None of them wanted to lose these relationships that they have grown and that continued to grow.

"so, do we need a plan for our next step or are we seeing what fate brings us?" Kelso asked seriously , to her it was a genuine question. It was a question that she asked herself a lot actually. She was not usually one to plan things out, she would rather go with the flow. Though Tyrell on the other hand. He liked to plan and know everything that was happening.

"of course we need a plan little squirrel, or else we will crash and burn. " Tyrell said as he tried to ease the tension between the four of them. "I think at the moment...we just need to find more information, maybe a few more sleepovers are needed." Tyrell said rather smoothly without thinking much until his mind jerked at the realization of how strange that sounded. "for...uh protection, safety and comfort reasons of course!"

Kelso caught Tyrell's train of thought and gave a sly smile with a blush of her own. "yes totalllly for security reasons." Her sarcasm made the fae rather confused but they agreed anyway. It would be comforting for them all if the fae made sure the humans were safe at night.

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