chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"Well..." Laylian started, still having rosy red cheeks and a startled appearance. She was fiddling with the end of her shirt whilst Sylvester just sat there, ready to take any bullets or hits that the humans would throw at them. "So do you want the long story, medium length story, short story, definition, used in a sentence, picture, pamphlet- oh I could make a really nice pamphlet!" Laylian started to ramble as the twins got slightly overwhelmed.

" love it's okay! " Kelso said not even realizing what she had said, she didn't have time to be embarrassed over her choice of words as she quickly went onto her next sentence. "Just simple explanations would do ...though I am interested in seeing that pamphlet." Kelso teased a little bit with a weak chuckle.

"Yes Laylian so would I.." Sylvester chuckled slightly whilst rubbing his arms. "Well...the fae are powerful and beautiful creature sthat can control light. They are extremely intelligent and wise and are generally good people." Sylvester said with a fond smile on his face as he thought of his friend. Though his smile dropped and so did his head when he continued to speak. "The dark fae are...kind of like mutants of the fae race. We like darkness and have the power to control things, sorry I forgot t mention hat fae can create things. The dark fae are kind of...not thought of very kindly."

Tyrell was filled with sympathy for what seemed to be a little boy in front of him. Sylvester looked incredibly vulnerable , as though he expected to be hit or have stones thrown at him. The look alone made Tyrell slide over and wrap an arm around him comfortingly. Sylvester tensed up at first , expecting some pain to rise form where he had been touched. Though he received none. His eyes which he had scrunched shut opened one by one in surprise. Sylvester gave a very nervous chuckle and said "That's kind of...the basics of it, is there anything you would like to know specifically?"

The two humans were stuck on what to ask. Though there was one thing that they had in thei rheads since they heard that the two had moved in close-by. "Why here? I mean..."Kelso started to explain but she didn't know away to be truthful whilst not insulting the place that they are growing to call home. Of course It would only be the four of them talking about it and no-one else would hear her opinion of her new home. She still felt a bit bad about insulting the place.

"What my sister means is...Why would you pick this town? Earth is rather big and I'm pretty sure that if you can create things then you can create a plane ticket or something like that." Tyrell tried to be as polite as he could whilst still getting his point across. He was also interested in seeing or learning about what the fae creatures could do.

"Are you kidding?" Sylvester asked with a spark of happiness. Sylvester honestly loved the place. The houses were...houses! And the woods were well looked after and looked so natural! There was life everywhere. Birds sang in the morning and everything was just a thousand times better then where he used to live. "This place is so much better then where uh sleep" His pauses made Tyrell slightly concerned, so he tightened his hug a little bit.

"Yeah this place is really cool in comparison to the fae dimension! We're a little further ahead when it comes to technology so it's really nice to somewhat travel to the past. It's a lot more freeing too. We have literally next to zero responsibilities here." Laylian tried to explain rather cheerfully. It was rather refreshing for the twins as they were able to see their world in a new light, through the eyes of a different creature.

"I guess since this is all we know it's difficult to see it like that, it's nice. Thank you guys for being honest with us." Tyrell said politely with a little laugh at the end. He could really appreciate the new way he was seeing the world, he tried his best to be grateful and grounded and the fae were really helping him with this.

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't we be honest?" Sylvester asked with furrowed eyebrows. It is true that he didn't get the best first impression about humans. Well actually he had an okay first impression, a fantastic second impression and a heart-crushing, giving up all faith on humanity, third impression of humans.

Kelso chuckled a little bit, knowing exactly what her twin was implying. "Tyrell here likes to keep his head in books, it is common for people of the supernatural kind to pretend and lie about their powers. Literally someone could turn invisible in front of you and they would sat it was a 'trick of the light' so yeah. We kind of appreciate that didn't happen!" Kelso explained and used air quotations. She liked to tease her brother about the fact he liked to live in his books. Though she could somewhat understand it. The want to escape the world and the easiness of using books is rather tempting.

"I do not understand how one could blame that on the light..."Laylian said thoughtfully as she tapped her chin. She was trying to come up with an actual explanation for that, a situation where one is able to blame invisibility on the light. "The only situation in which you would be able to do that is if ti were dark ..from what I know..." The fact that Laylian was putting thought into this made Kelso's heart give a small flutter. It was rather sweet watching the thought and concentration on Laylian's face.

"yeahh it's not very believable is it?" Tyrell asked as he unwrapped his arms from around Sylvester. Sylvester almost gave a whine, Tyrell was really warm and comforting. "Speaking of unbelievable...can we get out of here? Maybe go home and get something nice to eat? I love camping as much as the next guy but I really want a croissant."

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