chapter 18

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Chapter 18

'PE' was very interesting. That was all the fae creatures could think of when it came to waiting for the activities to start. Laylian and Sylvester had to borrow some clothes from the school. This meant that Laylian's clothes were too short and baggy for her and Sylvester's was too long and too tight for him.

Luckily for Sylvester, the boys were doing rock climbing that day. His skills made the students stop and stare. This didn't help at all since some of them were the ones helping him get up the wall. He had no issues handing the wall and going from one difficulty to the next. Even his PE teacher looked impressed. His face was bright red by the end of class, it wasn't from exhaustion or the amount of physical activity that he had done. It was because of the compliments that he had received from his fellow students.

Tyrell was one of the students who was cheering him on the entire way. Tyrell wasn't very good at climbing himself and so he was one of the people who were very comfortable on the floor and holding ropes. Though once the lesson was finished the two friends met up and Tyrell congratulated him and how well he had done.

The girls were not so lucky however. It was raining and they were running outside in the rain. They didn't understand who thought that it was a good idea to make them run laps in the rain . Though Kelso was writing a very threatening note in her head as she ran around the field for the third time, her pants were caked in mud, as was her shirt and arms and a few pieces of hair. She usually wouldn't mind running. Though the rain made the grass slippery which caused her to fall.

Kelso was very grateful for Laylian, who was by her side the entire time. Laylian was encouraging and was there to pick Kelso up whenever she fell down. Laylian even stopped her from completely falling a number of times. They ran next to each other whilst other girls passed or fell behind them. Kelso felt like she was holding Laylian back as she watched the fae keep up with ease, she was almost gliding, not touching the grass much at all. Kelso imagined that Laylian could run over water if the occasion called for it.

"it's annoying how we're not allowed to use the showers." Kelso stated whilst leaning over a sink. She was trying to get as much mud out of her hair as she possibly could. She would need to have another bath that night. Not that she minded, it was a good excuse to have a bath. Though the school had showers, they should be allowed to use them.

"Yes I agree it is rather unpleasant to have mud in your hair all day." Laylian agreed as she was stood in the small bathroom that was attached to the changing room. The girls were taking turns at the sink and the two friends were the last ones. They had lunch after PE and so they were willing to spend a little bit more time making sure that they were all clean before heading back out into the wilderness that is the school cafeteria.

"You don't have to wait for me you know." Kelso stated as she gave a smile that Laylian can't see. "It's lunchtime soon, you could get first pick if you go ahead." The suggestion of Laylian leaving her was rather startling to Laylian. She wasn't expecting for Kelso to suggest anything like that and she felt as though Kelso would prefer it if she were to leave. "I mean ...I like your company but I don't want to keep you here...if you don't want to." Kelso continued once feeling the tense air.

"Oh , no I wish to stay! I just thought that with you suggesting that..."Laylian trailed off at the end of the sentence whilst tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and giving a nervous chuckle. Kelso was nearly finished cleaning up so they exited the small and hardly used bathroom. "Is this what normal changing rooms are like?"

Kelso looked around at several hair ties and water bottles discarded around the room. There was broken hooks and some broken tiles in the room. "Yeah pretty matter the school. There are still kids there who probably have the same intentions as the ones here do. Though the class seems okay." The two girls started to leave the changing rooms. Laylian handed back the clothes that she borrowed whilst kelso got her watch from the safety box the teacher kept in the cupboard.

The girls were surprised to see Sylvester and Tyrell waiting for them. It took the boys a moment to notice them but in that moment the girls saw something amazing. They each saw their best friend with large smiles on their faces and laughter in their voices. It was a beautiful sight to see. Once Tyrell noticed them, he cleared his throat and pulled his bag further up his shoulder. "Are you guys ready to go? It's nearly lunch." Tyrell asked as the girls approached.

"No we're still not dressed in our uniforms with our bags and things." Kelso teased her brother happily which caused him to chuckle and wrap an arm around her. "Luncheon awaits!" Kelso exclaimed as she grabbed the hand that was on her shoulder and started dragging Tyrell in the direction of the cafeteria. The two fae creatures looked on in confusion and fondness before making eye contact. Laylian shrugged her shoulders before making a funny face. This action caused Sylvester to chuckle before wrapping an arm around her shoulders. This action was foreign to the both of them but they took it as a good sign. They were getting used to human mannerisms.

They were sat in the twins' usual spot with their lunches in front of them. The fae creatures had a salad each and a piece fo fruit and the twins' had what quickly became their usual. Though this time Tyrell had mince pie, potato and peas. This was a part of the meal deal that the school had. It wasn't the nicest but it was somewhat warm.

The four friends were cheerfully chatting away about what happened in PE. Tyrell was embarrassing Sylvester by almost gushing over his rock climbing skills. It was all very happy until someone came up behind Tyrell and cleared their throat.

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