chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"What do you think that was about?" Sylvester asked quietly as John left the table. He wouldn't have usually asked something so rude but the concerned looks on Kelso's and Tyrell's faces was concerning him. He started to play with the bottom of his tie and allow his eyes to wonder from spot to spot.

"I don't know but I hope that John is okay, his friends don't seem like...friends" Kelso replied as she reached down and grabbed her bag. Everyone followed her actions as they started to walk towards the purple stairs, throwing their rubbish in the bin. They had to say a small 'see you later' to Tyrell as he went to put his tray away.

It didn't take long before they were back sitting in the same circle that they were in before during the break. Except this time they were in less of a circle and more of a square. Tyrell was sat next to Sylvester so that he could see the book in Sylvester's hands as they read along together and talked about the words and what they meant.

Whilst the boys were doing this Kelso and Laylian were sat talking about social things, things that are happening within the media. Laylian had came u p with the excuse of living without any internet or wifi all her life in a pretty remote area but not too remote as Sylvester also grew up there. Sylvester just wasn't home schooled as well as she was. Though when the librarian passed they started talking about the most popular books of the time, it was still useful information to Laylian.

The rest of lunch time was spent like this. The four of them had a good time talking to their new friends. In the end they were all talking to each other as a small group and they were sad when the bell wen for their next lesson. After lunch they had science, The tables were in the same formation as they were in maths. This was an incredibly good thing for them as they could talk with ease about the lesson. Along with helping each other, They weren't cheating, it was group workso the teacher didn't question their interactions.

Though in this subject , Laylian and Sylvester were a bit more confident. It was biology and they were learning about leaves and plants. Sylvester had spent many years observing plants and flowers whilst Laylian was taught a lot of biology . The fae creatures were natural at looking after plants and knowing what they needed.

As they all helped each other throughout the lesson they were doing some fo the best progress within the class. The twisn took notice of the fact that their friends were good with plants and nature. They were slowly creating plans to help them ,mainly Sylvester, in other subjects . The small proud smile that creeped on Sylvester's face warmed Tyrell's heart. The proud look in Laylian's eyes didn't go unnoticed by Kelso either.

This confident behaviour didn't last long though as they went to their final class of the day. History was not one of the best subjects for people who have learnt a completely different history to the humans. The fae creatures were very grateful that they were just watching a video. Sylvester was extremely fascinated by the video itself whilst Laylian was very interested in the images shown. It was about clothing through the ages and realized that a lot of the clothing that she knew in their dimension was actually rather old-fashioned.

They were all sad when the day came to a close at three fifteen. The four friends didn't really want to say goodbye so they didn't. They all went back to Hazel's house at the end of the day. The two fae were very curious and shocked that they didn't live too far from their human friends...though when they say 'live' they mean borrowing the roof, though 'lived' made them feel a little bit more normal.

"Hello dea-oh you brought friends around?" Hazel greeted them from the kitchen as she was drying her hands on a towel. Hazel's eyes lit up when she saw that there were other people behind her two grandchildren. She came forward and smiled politely "Hello my name is Hazel. I'm Tyrell's and Kelso's nanna. It's so good to see that they have made some good friends!" The fae creatures were comforted by the warm aura which surrounded Hazel.

"Hello, my name is Laylian and this is Sylvester, thank you for being so welcoming! We are happy to be friends with Tyrell and Kelso too." Laylian said happily with a smile whilst Sylvester held a shy smile. He was such a different person to who he was a moment ago when he was happily laughing and cheerfully talking with Tyrell.

"It's lovely to have you here. Now children why don't you go upstairs or in the living room whilst I prepare a cup of tea? I have also been working in the garden today so you could go out there if you want to." There was a few moments of silent contemplation before the four friends said goodbye to Hazel and started to go upstairs. The twins wanted to show the two fae their bedroom since it had been mentioned in a previous conversation

"Woah, this si cool." Sylvester whispered as he walked over to Tyrell's side of the room. He didn't know it was Tyrell's side of the room as there wasn't much to give it away. The colours of the sky and stars were what drew him over there . Sylvester carefully reached to touch the wall but stopped before his fingers touched the paint.

Laylian had a bit more of a controlled reaction as she entered into the room. She looked at the animals that were on Kelso's side of the room and smiled at the representation of nature. The walls were really realistically painted. Though the room was rather big , it was a little bit cramped with four people inside and so they went outside into the back garden.

The back garden was smaller then the twins' bedroom but it was beautiful. It was a lot easier to breath in the fresh air that was surrounding them outside then in the bedroom. The flowers were all types of vibrant colours whilst the grass was lush and green. The four friends sat at a small garden table that was in the corner. This was the start of one of the most pleasant evenings that any of the four had experienced in their lives. There was good food, nice surroundings and best of all the company was perfect.

Beyond the Dimensions (Book 1 of the 'dimensions' series)Where stories live. Discover now