chapter 33

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chapter 33

It was around six o'clock that evening when Sylvester's worry nearly went out of control. He got to meet dawn that day, she honestly was one of the most nicest humans that he had met, he hadn't met many but she was one of the top five humans that he had met, She was very nice and asked him how he was doing , her talk of witchcraft and other strange rituals got Sylvester very captivated. Though Laylian was supposed to have been there by now.

"don't worry pet, i'm sure she's just having fun. you can stay here until she comes to pick you up." Hazel tried to comfort Sylvester but it wasn't doing much to help him. 'though it is a school night, it is rather odd to be out for this long." Hazel bit her lip in worry as she looked to her grandchildren, feeling incredibly sorry for the boy who seemed extremely anxious.

"i'm sure laylian is going to be fine...but we didn't have the best experiences with the people that she's meeting up with. " Kelso said timidly, none of them had told Hazel what had happpened the other day when the group of friends stood them up in the middle of the forest. Knowing Hazel she would personally march up to their houses individually, demand to talk to their parents and proceed to give them a two hour long lecture about their child's behaviour.

"the boy has a good reason to be worried." Dawn pointed out as everyone's eyes turned to her. She was usually the voice of reason int he room and with the twins just now realizing how open she was about her craft, it made them wonder what else she knew. Tyrell knew that a lot of witches work with the fae, though he wasn't sure how many people knew the truth about the fae, considering most see them as fairies or tricksters.

"now now, don't make the children worried, they have enough stress" Hazel said as she picked up her cup and entered into the kitchen, preparing to make another cup of tea for the group. Dawn sighed as she watched her friend exit the room. She now had six worried eyes glued to her figure.

"what are you looking at me like that for?" Dawn chuckled nervously before she huffed and opened her bag . "Okay fine, i've had a strange feeling since this morning and i just didn't know what it meant, i feel like your friend may have something to do with it." Dawn then pulled out the tower tarot card. "this doesn't give me the highest hope int he world, in fact it shows quite the opposite." Tyrell looked forward with wide eyes, he had only done a little amount of research into tarot readings but he knew she was right, the card symbolised disaster . He also knew that tarot cards are not bad or signs of ultimate defeat, that gave him hope.

Kelso and Sylvester looked confused as Tyrell stood up quickly and went to put his shoes on "Nanna we're going out for a bit to calm down, we wont be long. I have my phone in case something happens!" Sylvester and Kelso had no choice but to follow in his footsteps as he raced out the door and to the bottom of the street. Tyrell seemed to slow down once he got there but was still in a brisk walk towards the school.

"Ty what's going on?!" Kelso asked as she tried to keep up with him, usually she would be faster then he is but she was not expecting him to react so quickly. "where are we going? what did that card mean?" she continued to ask as Sylvester stayed silent, he had assumed that what Tyrell was doing would help Laylian in the end and therefore he didn't question it.

"we're going to the school...where Laylian was supposed to meet Alex and Brandon, hopefully we can find out where they went." Tyrell had really started to worry, once he found out the fae existed he had delved more into his beliefs and practices. he didn't tell many people this as he didn't think anyone would be interested.

With the pace they were going, they were at the school in no time and were looking around for clues. Only to come up completely blank. That was until Sylvester got a great idea. They were all stood facing each other when Sylvester got the idea. He honestly could not imagine what was going through the twins' heads as he stopped fidgeting and turned around. Sylvester stared at a bird, directly in their eyes and built a connection.

Building a connection is strange and it is a rather cold feeling. It is a powerful feeling but Sylvester shivers every time he has to do it. it's like when you were a child and you were being told off, you would cross your arms and stare until the person changed their mind or took back what they had said. It was a very similar situation. Except for the creature in this case, it had no choice but to do as Sylvester said. Nature and fae were natural friends , this was no different for dark fae.

Therefore the bird who was under Sylvester's control was very useful as it communicated with it's own species the same way it would normally if asking for food or whereabouts. They communicated in a way only birds could and then the bird came back to Sylvester. with the twins staring at him very strangely.

It did not take much time at all for Sylvester to get the information he needed to once again continue walking in the same direction they were walking before . "last they saw it was this way." he muttered as eh grabbed Tyrell's hand and started to drag him away.

Tyrell was quick enough to grab onto Kelso's hand as they struggled to keep up with the dark fae. "who saw?" Kelso asked with confusion written across her face, mixed with the worry and stress.

"the birds."

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