chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Sylvester was having a tough time, it was late and dark during the evening. Everyone else was asleep but he just couldn't. It's true that he slept rather well whilst cuddling Tyrell. Though tonight was a night where he couldn't bring himself to sleep or get comfortable.

Therefore he was sat in the space between the beds , on his laptop, looking through Dawn's website. He was feeling sadder and sadder as eh read about his own race. The history of his race wasn't a good one and he felt like it would be so much nicer if he wasn't a part of the race. He tried to love who he is, in every aspect he really tried. Though nothing could make him deny the fact that what he is has caused destruction and pain over many many years.

His eyes started to mist over as he was met with memories of his past. He was ultimately rejected by the other dark fae and the fae population in general just because of, well that's how the dark fae were treated and treated each other.

He was reminded of times when he talked to the trees and made friends with the plants, this was when he would sneak away into the nice parts of the forests as even the trees in the dark fae's part of the forest were mean to him.

He had made friends with the trees in the fae territory, With the plant life anyway, they weren't real friends and he didn't -no that's a lie he felt bad for taking away the free will of the trees , he was such a sweetheart that even though he was practicing his powers, he still felt guilty about controlling nature.

Though this skill and the friends of Sylvester's did end up doing him some good through his days running away . The trees had grown to care for the dark fae and therefore tried to protect him in some...strange ways that only trees can such as moving their roots and dropping their branches on the heads of his pursuers.

As Sylvester wallowed in self-hatred , Hazel was finding it difficult to sleep. She had found it difficult to sleep for a long while though she was usually in a somewhat restless sleep by now. This evening she had decided to give up . There was an odd feeling in the air which she couldn't pin point.

Hazel rose out of bed in her nightie and started to exit her bedroom,tryign to avoid the creaky floorboards. Hazel crept across the hall and decided to check on the children , or teenagers, they were still children in her eyes. She pushed the door open slightly and was shocked to see some ight. She opened the door further and peaked her head in, seeing sylvester on his laptop and staring into space.

Hazel stood there for a moment as she tried to figure out if she wanted to interfere with the teenager. From the moment that they had met she could tell that there was something bothering him, though she had assumed that it was something that she could nto help with. He seemed happy enough, shy yes but happy. She didn't want to interfere with the happiness he was showing more and more each day. Though that happiness was not evident at this moment.

"pst."Hazel said quietly as she poked her head through the door. This immediately caused Sylvester's head to snap in her direction as his shoulders tensed . He relaxed a little bit as he saw Hazel at the door. Sylvester blinked a few times in confusion as to why she was up and talking to him. Hazel smiled a little in frustration as she gestured for the male to follow her.

Sylvester sat still for a moment before slowly closing the laptop and placing it on the floor beside him. His white vest seemed baggy on him despite hom being very muscular, he was wearing some shorts that were too long but they were comfortable so he didn't really care much . They were miles better then what he had previously.

Hazel waited so that she knew the male was going to follow her. He towered over her as they headed down the stairs , It was the first time that Sylvester had seen the kitchen at night time. Usually he stayed upstairs during the evening in the Jewlson household. He hadn't noticed before that there were many different lights in the back garden.

Sylvester was captivated by the lights that were in the garden, on the fence was fairy lights in many different shapes and letters. There were lights that looked like flowers sat in the garden and the lanterns were very bright by the table. It looked like something you would see in a fairytale.

Sylvester was so entranced he didn't notice Hazel making two cups of chamomile tea. He didn't notice until she was clearing her throat with two very delicate booking tea cups in hand. He turned his head and looked shyly at her out of embarrassment for staring. He was hoping she wasn't talking whilst she was busy, he wasn't ignorant , he was just distracted and didn't notice much sound.

Sylvester was confused but held the back door open for her as she exited the house, learning now that he was expected to follow suit. She sat the tea cups down on the table and sat herself down in one of\ the seats. It was a rather cozy and warm night , something which was rare in the UK.

The two of them were sat in both comfortable yet awkward silence. Sylvester was both willing to sit in the silence yet he was on edge since he knew Hazel wanted to talk about something. Hazel had the same issue, she was willing to create a comfortable atmosphere where they just basked in the friendly company of the other person. Thought she had a few questions and worries about the poor man beside her.

Hazel decided to start in a place where she imagined Sylvester to be happiest in talking about. "So, you and Tyrell?" She raised her eyebrows though Sylvester didn't get to see that as he turned away with a blush and a smile on his face. "I think ti's rather adorable."

She said trying to make him feel more comfortable.

"You do?" Sylvester said eagerly, he was slightly worried about how Hazel would react. He was extremely ready to be shunned and neglected for benign with her grandson, therefore the comment had surprised him immensely. "You do?" He asked as he second guessed what he had heard.

"Yes i do." Hazel took a sip of her tea before sighing in contentment. She had hoped that whilst the twins were there they'd make friends, she was overjoyed they had found happiness with her. She didn't expect them to be in a romantic relationship with those fo the same gender, but she didn't care as long as they were happy.

Sylvester silently buzzed with happiness as he felt his fears and sadness be torn away from his heart, it still lingered somewhere but the light was outweighing the darkness now. Hazel saw this change and continued "You and Laylian seemed to give a spark of happiness to my grandchildren, you presented them a light in the darkness and for that i thank you. I can see it has helped you also . The spark appeared as soon as i mentioned his name."

Sylvester's smile grew as he looked at his hands, covered in cuts and scars from his past, but this time he looked at them and imagined the feeling fo Tyrell's hand in his. It was something very simply for Hazel to have said but it meant the world to Sylvester, it made a world of difference to hsi mood . "yes, yes he is the light in my darkness..."He trailed off as he looked at the fairy lights once again.

There were a few more moments of silence as they finished their tea. Sylvester felt his eyes drooping a little bit and therefore he stood up. He offered a hand to Hazel and she placed her tea cup in his hand with a smile. "Thank you, thank you very much. I should head to bed and try to get some sleep. Have a good night" He had the most sincere smile on his face , it seemed to light up all his features.

Hazel made no move to follow Sylvester as she continued to sit in her back garden thinking about the people inside her house. They were a strange but happy bunch and she was pleased the atmosphere was starting to lighten up again.

Sylvester headed up the stairs and didn't look at his laptop as he lay carefully in the bed next to Tyrell. He tried not to make any noise but ultimately failed in not disturbing Tyrell as before he knew it, there was an arm wrapped around him and a head snuggled into his shoulder. That night Sylvester had a few hours of blissful sleep with a smile on hsi face and fairy lights in his head.

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