chapter 50

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Chapter 50

There was a very still silence but only for a few moments. During this silent time there were many looks exchanged between them all. Dawn had decided to take this opportunity to exit the house and approach the group. Dawn was extremely quiet and so only Sylvester noticed her. She cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. Devin muttered out apologies whilst Eden quietly looked down.

"Now now, those stories have been told through generations my lovelies. I would love to see how much of it you have remembered!" Dawn said enthusiastically. "Shall we go inside? Or would you prefer to sit out here?" Although she had only just asked the question she was predicting the answer as she reached into her bag. "Though i insist that we burn some sage if we do so."

Hazel groaned as she also came out the door, going to the outhouse where she held more garden chairs. "The last time you burnt sage outside you scorched my table!" Hazel huffed as she brought out two chairs. Tyrell was quick to stand up and help her. This lead to Dawn taking his seat with a smile. Tyrell would have argued but Sylvester had moved along to make room for the elder women who were joining them. It emant that Tyrell would now be sitting with Hazel, which he didn't mind at all.

"Now dears," Dawn said as she lit the sage and placed it in the middle of the table. Sylvester had a suspicious look on his face though as Tyrell put an arm around his shoulder, Sylvester could see the interested and fascinated spark in Tyrell's eyes which made Sylvester feel some sort of comfort.

"um..."Devin started to say as Hazel sat down and folded her arms. Hazel knew a lot about the fae but she had a feeling that there was more that Dawn wasn't telling her. She trusted her old friend and knew that she had her reasons . Though there was still hope in her eyes that she would find out what was being kept from her.

Eden didn't seem like she wanted to talk at all and therefore Dawn gestured for Devin to continue. "What do you already know? This si difficult!" Devin tilted her head back in annoyance and frustration . Dawn shook her head but leant forward.

"Honestly girls , you really need to work on your story-telling skills." She nodded at them before leaning back. "Now the fae have a marvelous and large history, they used to live with the humans until they evolved and the dark fae came into existence.The dark fae believed -well most of them at least- that they were the superior race due to their abilities to control everything. Though as the fae had limits so did the dark fae. This caused a big war where many people died. However the war stopped when a brave fae created the dimension in which the fae now live. Saving humans from the dark fae's influence. " Dawn looked around at all the people at the table, looking at the expressions of all who surrounded her, Her shoulders slumped as she said "this doesnt' seem like new news to you . "

This caused Sylvester to smile a little bit. The disappointment in Dawn's tone was somewhat amusing as she seemed so much like a child in those few moments. Laylian giggled slightly at the thought of her not knowing he own history. Though Dawn's tone was captivating whilst telling the story , the twins knew all of this.

"Yeah.." Tyrell started as he looked around the table at his three friends. "We knew most of that already, we somewhat had some topics that we somewhat need help on..."Tyrell looked around nervously, he felt as though he couldn't speak much as he didn't know a lot about the fae himself. He felt like a child who needed his mom to talk to the doctor for him.

Dawn's eyes widened a little bit as she clicked her fingers. "Yes see that is all I have told your grandmother..." She turned to Hazel and seemed to attempt a look of puppy dog eyes. This caused Hazel to shake her head.

"Not a chance! If you are telling my grandchildren something then i say i have a right to listen too!" Hazel crossed her arms and nodded her head as though to put an end to the small debate . Dawn gave a sigh but knew her friend was a stubborn as a mule , there was no arguing with Hazel.

"...akright..."Dawn came closer to the table, folded her arms in her lap and slowly looked everyone in the eyes. Her stare was one of finality and secrecy. "Not one of you are to repeat this to another soul. Do you understand me?" As her gaze moved from person to person her tone grew more and more serious.Kelso got the feeling that her gaze would make even Nero nervous.

There was a moment of te4nse silence as the others at the table nodded towards dawn. Though this didn't seem to be enough for her as she then tilted her head forward . "" This caused a lot of sounds of vocal agreements . The atmosphere became serious and stern. Though Dawn was burning sage there was still the feeling of benign watched around them. There was no way someone could hear them ...that they knew of.

"There is a prophecy..." Dawn started and Kelso had to resist the urge to groan. Kelso ahd read a lot about prophecies and things . It's not that she didn't believe in them ,it's that she thought it was extremely stereotypical. From the times of old wen kronos ate his children , there has been the idea and fact that prophecies exist. "That the gatekeeper had descendants and it would be them to destroy the fae who were the reason for the dimensions in the first place. "

This caused Tyrell to tilt his head to the side. "That's not the correct phrasign of the prophecy, phrasing is important." Laylian nodded to Tyrell's statement. Through her research of contracts and the like she has found out that wording is very important. History class taught her of a few prophecies and how vital the wording is.

Sylvester lifted his head up "yeaht hat doesn't really rhyme." This was followed by silent chuckles from the cousins which ceased as their grandmother gave them a look.

"This could mean life or death for the human doesn't need to rhyme"

Beyond the Dimensions (Book 1 of the 'dimensions' series)Where stories live. Discover now