chapter 28

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Chapter 28

"Laylian is everything okay?" Sylvester asked but as he followed her gaze he got the answer immediately. Laylian may act as though things don't bother her too much but Sylvester knew that she had been effected very significantly from the camping trip. Sylvester knew it would be like that since the very beginning, Laylian got attached rather easily, which is why it was great that Kelso and Tyrell didn't' freak out. "We were talking about what animals we would be. Or what animal we are most like."

Laylian gave a small smile before she looked at the coasters on the table which held the name of the café on them. Kelso saw this and got one of the coasters from the pile and started to spin it on the table. Laylian watched in fascination as the coaster span and toppled over before grabbing one herself. Laylian tried to copy what Kelso was doing but it just kept falling down. "It just takes some practice" Kelso whispered in encouragement.

"Ohh that sounds interesting!" Tyrell said to Sylvester as their food started to come. They paused for a moment to thank the kind lady who brought them their food before they started to eat. Everyone except Kelso had a croissant. "I honestly think that Kelso would be a squirrel." Kelso was about to open her mouth in order to object but Tyrell raised a hand to stop her. "Before you object, you are adventurous, picky with your food, cute , lovable, sneaky, smart, quick and love nature." Tyrell crossed his arms with a determined and happy smile on his face.

"Well then fine! I see where your'e coming from..." Kelso trailed off as the two fae gave a chuckle at her face which seemed to be turning redder by the second. "Then you are a bird...or a dolphin." Tyrell rose an eyebrow at Kelso as a request for her meanings of the animals whilst the fae creatures were laughing harder and harder with each word and moment of silence. "Well...your'e really smart and mysterious. I could always say you were a mamma-" Kelso got interrupted as her twin leant over the table and placed a bit of toast in her mouth.

Kelso gave a sad noise but she took hold of the piece of toast in her mouth and bit down, pulling it away as she chewed with narrowed eyes. The group were rather distracted, they didn't see the other four people that were walking over to them before they heard someone clear their throat once again.

Sylvester had a small sense of déjà vu as the four friends turned to face the newcomers. It was around half of bryan's gang. Eden was the one who cleared her throat and beside her was devin. Also with them was Alex and Brandon but they were a little bit further back.

"Um hi we just-" Eden had started to say , she sounded very sad. In fact all four of them looked somewhat sad. Even Brandon who didn't seem to talk much at all with the others looked sad and guilty. The four of them were nicer thent he other members of Bryan's group, save for john and lily, but they did still leave them in the woods.

"We're sorry! We just wanted to go along with what byran said and had planned , we couldn't go against him. He's the leader of the group and if we don't do what he said he would literally kill us both by our reputation and real life!" Devin burst out suddenly interrupting her cousin. The four who were sat at the table were a little bit shocked, if they had felt guilty about doing it then why did they do it? And why didn't they warn the four before hand?

Despite the questions in their heads, the four couldn't help but feel sorry for the nicer half of Bryan's gang. The humans had their suspicions about the hierarchy of the group. They knew that Bryan was in charge of the group and most people agreed and listened to him. They didn't know exactly how much power he had over the group but it was evidently quite a bit, they knew from the beginning ,from how john acted towards them, that the group weren't exactly big on equality between members.

"Uh-It's okay I think..." Kelso trailed off with an unsure smile on her face. "We had a good night.. However I don't think that we will be hanging out with Bryan and the others at all" Even though Kelso sounded optimistic, there was a small bit of shy hesitance .

"Definitely." Tyrell agreed as he held his cup of tea in his hands and blew on it. Sylvester had to stop himself from staring at his hoodie covered hands as they held the cup delicately. The two fae creatures nodded distractedly. The two cousins who ware standing awkwardly smiled shyly, which was quite unusual for Devin.

"Yeah we understand, since you're new you'll hopefully get out of their web." Alex said bitterly as Brandon put an arm around their shoulders. Honestly everyone except Alex and Brandon would say that they were dating, or soulmates who just haven't realized it yet. Brandon gave Alex's shoulder a squeeze in comfort as they looked down at the floor.

"Does he do this to every new person?" Sylvester asked curiously. Sylvester had seen many types of cruelty in his life , mainly from other dark fae. Though this was a different and unusual kind. Sylvester was used to the occasional kick or insult but Bryan's cruelty was smart and long-lasting.

"Pretty much so yes." Brandon replied with a sigh and he ran a hand through his hair. "He does this...every single time there's a new student, at the beginning of the school year he kind of recruits someone into his group, an apprentice of sorts." He went on to badly explain. There really wasn't a good way to describe what Bryan does.

"Hmm not exactly..." Eden said thoughtfully. "It's more like...building an army, him against the school or something like that. He gets the loners or the people who are outcasts and takes them under his wing, shaping their thoughts and minds into a toy that he can play with and manipulate until they're nothing more then a puppet under his control." The fae creatures shivered at the tone of eden's voice whilst the humans made an attempt not to seem that affected.

"Anyway..." Devin trailed off as she hooked her arm through her cousin's ."Have a good day, it's good to see that you are safe. Good luck on Monday!" Devin started to dragg Eden to a table politely whilst bidding the four a farewell. Alex and Brandon followed with a shrug and a wave.

"That..was strange?" Laylian stated like a question as they watched the four walk away. She got several nods in response. "Monday is going to be interesting..."

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