chapter 19

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Chapter 19

When four pairs of eyes locked on the person they had a variety of emotions. Intimidation, curiosity, happiness, nervousness. The person seemed to be rather nervous. He looked to be the same age as them but none of the friends recognised him from their class. The boy had brown hair and brown eyes, his eyes were framed by a pair of crooked glasses. His clothes were way too big for him and were rather scruffy.

"I'm uh I'm john...a few of us were wondering if you'd like to sit with us?" He pointed to a group of around ten people behind him. One of the girls was chatting away to another girl whilst the rest of the table were quiet. Sylvester felt like they were listening in on their conversation and he didn't appreciate that one little bit.

"I'm sorry but it's nearly time to leave the cafeteria." Tyrell said calmly whilst feeling a little bit of sympathy for the boy. John was practically shaking in his shoes and he started to rock back and forwards as he heard the decline from Tyrell. It was true though, and the four friends had plans to go to the library that lunch time.

"Perhaps you could come outside with us then? Or we could get together another time? I mean only if you want to, we're probably not going to force you!" John said hurriedly waving his hands in the air . He was almost itching closer and closer to the table with every word. It didn't take long for three of the friends to realize why, some of the people that were sat at John's table were glaring at his back.

"I'm sorry we have...plans." Kelso said as she completely turned around to look at him, she stopped for a moment as she saw the daggers that were being thrown at him mentally by some of his friends. Kelso attempted a comforting smile as she offered "You could come with us if you want?" In hopes that would make the people at the table stop glaring at him. It didn't really work out that way.

"O-oh no it's -it's okay! It's fine! I'm sure that I'll see you around another time? Maybe tomorrow?" John squeaked in a little bit of fear, though he had a smile on his face and a blush on his cheeks. The fae creatures were confused at the concept of the schedule and the boy's nervousness. Usually humans were very relaxed around them due to their comforting energies . Something must really be bothering John for himt o be that nervous around the four of them, after all they were just the new students, the boy seemed like he was able to talk up a storm, or at least nervous ramble up a storm.

"Yeah sure!" The twins said in unison with smiles on their faces. Laylian and Sylvester nodded their heads once John's brown eyes landed upon them. John quickly waved and ran back to his table, being told off by a teacher on the way, and he sat down.

When John reached the table Bryan was quick to tell him "Well that was a mess wasn't it? You didn't just fail at getting them to hang with us but you didn't even get their names!" His tone caused John and Lily to flinch a little bit and for Devin to wrap an arm around lily in comfort. Devin had a disapproving look on her face but decided that she wasn't going to say least she would have if she thought before she spoke.

"Calm down Bryan! At least he went over and started talking to them. They also said that they might sit with us tomorrow." Devin said good-naturedly. Devin had darker skin and long straight hair, her eyes were a chocolate brown and she was rather bubbly. This is in great contrast to her cousin. They shared the same skin and eye colour but Eden had short curly hair and blue eyes. Eden was sat on the other side of Devin and she nodded along with what was being said.

"Shush Devin you don't know what you're talking about. If Bryan thinks something needs to be said then he'll say it if he wants to." Erin said snootily. Erin was Bryan's girlfriend and that was very obvious to anyone who laid eyes on them. She was practically on his knee she was so close to him. Her long blonde hair was on the top of her head in a rather large bun, her skin looked orange with the fake tan that she used and the teachers had given up on telling her to take her make-up off.

"Yeah Devin shush!" Lawrence said and gave Darius a high five. Both boys grinned stupidly as they started to playfully punch each other. Out of all those at the table Lawrence and Darius were the closest to Bryan, they grew up together and played with each other in the streets when they were younger. Bryan had to constantly remind himself of this as he watched their silly antics.

"Alex you're rather quiet. what's on your mind?" Brandon asked Alexandria, or Alex as they preferred to be called. Alex was usually an extremely quiet person and didn't speak their mind often. They kind of stuck with Bryan after their first day. Brandon became protective rather quickly of Alex. They got to know each other by hanging out when school was finished.

Bryan was ignoring the slight conversation between Alex and Brandon, they often had their own irrelevant conversations. Though their conversations were not always irrelevant to the conversation, Bryan just refused to understand what they were talking about sometimes.

The original group consisted of only Bryan, Lawrence, Darius and Erin. Then came along Brandon and with Brandon came along Alex. Then came Eden and with Eden came Devin. Then came along John who brought along lily. Bryan had been the leader of the group since the start. He was a nice person, at first anyway. He enjoyed having power and dominance over people . Bryan was the typical school bully and he didn't like it if anyone were to go against what he said.

"Yes yes I suppose we'll see what happens when they sit with us. I have a plan which'll make the day really fun."

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