chapter 46

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Chapter 46

It was starting to become slightly unsettling as half of Bryan's group still had not turned up for school. The four friends were pleased that they didn't seem to be in immediate danger, though there was something off in the air.

They had been basking in their own happiness for a few days -well hours for Sylvester as he felt all his worries disappear last night- and even though they were actively trying to figure out who the gatekeeper was and things about Nero, they hadn't really felt the intense fear for the past few days.

That morning the four friends went through class like a breeze, it was easy for the other three to tell that something had happened last night as Sylvester seemed over the moon. They were all somewhat suspicious but didn't question it as they thought Sylvester deserved the happiness that he was showing.

It was all going well until they realized where the feeling was coming from, during unch time. The four of them had became more and more tense over the past few days, having everything happen at lunch, it wasn't the happiest time for them.

They were all conversing over lunch, all four of them had decided to get the same this day as it was quorn burger and chips, and they were just having a very cheerful conversation . They were talking about plans for the next day when dawn, devina dn eden were coming to visit the jewlson household. There was a funny feeling in their stomachs.

Sylvester and Tyrell were more on edge then they usually were as Dawn -and pressuminly Eden and Devin- know about the fae. Laylian was in between , she kind of liked the thought of them benign on their side, she trusted Dawn and hoped that nothing would go wrong for any of them. Then again she had also hoped that they would make friends in Bryan's group and that turned out to be a failure.Kelso trusted her grandmother's judgement in friends and Dawn hadn't done anything bad to her directly, she wanted to look on the brighter and more positive side for once and hope that everything will be okay, they would get the answers they want and all will be solved soon.

"So, I dont' know if we should just bring up the fact that we found her website in front of everyone or not..." Tyrell trailed off as he tried to come up with a game plan. He didn't want to do something that they would all regret but he was stuck and confused on what they should do.

"Perhaps we are overcomplicating this?"Kelso said as she showed her other side of the coin. "It is just a meeting between our grandmother's friend who decided to bring her grandchildren along. I don't think that anything drastic could happen within our house walls." Tyrell smiled a little bit at his sister's optimism though he still felt like something was wrong.

"yeah...I see that but still." Laylian said as she pulled Kelso in for a small one-armed hug "it would be better to have a plan then to just run into things."Sylvester nodded along with his friend. Felling too shy to really argue much at the moment.

Then something passed Kelso's shoulder caught Tyrell's eye. Tyrell placed the chip that he was holding down and looked closer trying to make sure his eyes weren't lying to him. "Oh no." He whispered as his eyes quickly diverted as another seemed to meet his.

"What is it?" Kelso went to look behind her but Sylvester carefully stopped her from looking, he could see them from the corner of his eye now that Tyrell had pointed them out. It was Bryan , Erin, Darius and Lawrence. They had returned to school. There was no sign of Brandon or Alex, though they couldn't be sure that they weren't in the building.

Tyrell leant forward and whispered "the leaders of the pack are back." It was immediately registered by Laylian and Kelso what he meant. Kelso unconsciously shrunk down in her seat and Laylian tensed a little bit, tightening her grip in Kelso's arm protectively.

Over at bryan's table however, he didn't get much of a pleasant and warm meeting. To be honest Bryan knew deep down that the group didn't really like him, they all made it pretty obvious what they thought of him . It was extremely clear for anyone to see that the group were hanging together by a single thread, that thread being bryan's ability to ruin lives.

The table which seated Eden ,Devin, John and Lily was rather joyous until the group of four started to walk over. Lily was the first to notice and immediately became quiet. Quiet like she always was around people she didn't know well. This caused John to look at her in concern before following her gaze and also becoming quiet himself.

The cousins saw the four coming after this though they didn't do much to acknowledge their existence. The cousins were really upset about what they had done and told their grandmother. Dawn gave the best advice she could give and the two cousins wanted to take the advice and put it into practice.

"Hello there my loyal companions." Bryan said optimistically as he sat himself down. The four of them looked....strange to Eden. Its true that none of the usually followed the silly dress code but this time, they looked odder then usual. Bryan's hair looked very disheveled rather then the usual mess that it was. Lawrences' and Darius' ties were not at all done properly ,each having a different side of their shirt untucked and Erin, Erin looked the worst out of them all. Her hair seemed choppier then usual and the stitching at the bottom of her skirt seemed to be coming lose, her makeup not matching her pale neck what-so-ever.

Eden had hoped that Devin had not noticed as Devin was somewhat predictable and yet not at all predictable at the same time. Unfortunately at this moment, Devin noticed exactly what Eden had . "you guys look like hell, care to explain why you've been missing the past few days?"

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