chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Though the four of them had set up their sleeping bags they had too much energy to sleep. They were also feeling a little bit creeped out by the forest surrounding them and spooked about the behaviour of the people that they had originally came with . As the sun came up so did their spirits. The surrounding forest didn't look bad at all.

You could tell that not a lot of people came out here, there was hardly any rubbish on the floor and what was there seemed to be there only because of the wind. The trees were lush and green. Most of the plants were overgrown but they looked alive and healthy. Kelso challenged Sylvester to a tree climbing contest where he went easy on her. They ended up drawing and calling it a tie.

They had decided to start on their pleasant walk a few hours after the sun had risen, so it was around nine am. Tyrell had his phone in his hand and he was playing relaxing music as they walked. It seemed like the woods were going to go on for miles. They walked for around thierty minutes before something seemed, off, to the twins.

"Tyrell..." Kelso started as she held her brother's arm , They were walking in a kind of row , with Laylian on Kelso's right and Tyrell on Kelso's left, Sylvester was behind Tyrell a little bit. Sylvester was walking a bit slower then the other three, he was looking at every flower, plant and bug that he saw, he was also occasionally pointing things out to Kelso that he liked . Kelso would happily take pictures of them for him or help him take a good picture.

"I know...this place seems...familiar." Tyrell said to Kelso. Tyrell wrapped an arm around his sister and pulled her closer to him. Though the both of them stopped in their tracks, before them or well to the right and before them was a gray stone building. The stone building had no door and it seemed very worn down. It looked very familiar to the both of them.

"What is it?" Laylian asked worriedly. The two fae creatures hadn't been this far into the forest , it hadn't taken them long from the portal that they used to get to the gate to enter the forest. The stone building looked unusual, like it was both emant to be there yet it was so out of place. The plants were growing upon and around it , The fae were pretty certain that if there was windows the plants would have definitely crawled their way into them and started to take over the stone building.

"This like something from a dream." Tyrell furrowed his eyebrows as he walked further towards the building and looked inside the doorway. It looked just like the building from their dream. The outside doorway was narrow so they had to go single file and as soona s they entered they were on a steep staircase.

Tyrell lead the way down the stairs, they didn't need the lantern of this time of day. He was extremely curious, he oculdn't help himself and neither could Kelso. This place was magical in their dream. They hoped with all their heart that it would look just as dream-like in reality.

"This place doesn't exactly look safe.." Sylvester trailed off as the walked down the stairs. He nearly tripped as Tyrell stopped in front of an old wooden door with brass handles. Tyrell was quick to open the doors. The fae creatures were shocked to say the least to see an entire habitat within the room. Though the twins were even more shocked. It was exact down to the very detail like in the dream they had.

"What is this wonderful place?" Laylian asked the twins who had went over to the river. The two fae friends had stayed a little bit further back as they took in the view of the large room. The window let in a lot of light whilst the plants and animals seemed to be thriving. The place seemed very peaceful yet very powerful. It seemed like there was something more to this place then they could see.

"We said..." Kelso muttered as she looked at the carvings of symbols. "This place is from a dream, or nightmare." She looked over at her brother after a moment of realization. "Wait you dreamt about this place too?" Kelso tilted her head in confusion as tyrell got to one knee, also looking at the symbols and trying to figure out their meaning.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure that we discussed this..."Tyrell said distracted . The symbols were very interesting. They were more detailed then he had seen hieroglyphics though he could see them much clearer now. He recognised some of the symbols. One was an eye, another being a book. They seemed very..natural. It looked as though the stone itself had formed into those shapes with no human interference. It was incredibly fascinating, seeing the stone that didn't have any cut or crack still have carvings or engravings. It was either done by someone very talented or...The twins couldn't figure out another cause.

"" Kelso started to say as she shook her head. "Honestly we didn't talk about it...I mean you were in my dream but we didn't talk about anything.." There was a small moment of silence before the two shrugged. The fae creatures had started to walk over to them and started to scan the symbols that were presented. They didn't understand quite a few of them but that seemed to be the origin of the powerful sensation that they felt.

"I wouldn't touch those...they don't seem-" Sylvester started to warn them but before he could even finish his sentence the air started to grow cold. It seemed as though the sun had been taken out of the sky and replaced with a dark blanket. The creatures became spooked and started to run and hide. It was just like in the twins' dream but instead, there was something there to save them.

Their friends.

Beyond the Dimensions (Book 1 of the 'dimensions' series)Where stories live. Discover now