chapter 27

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Chapter 27

The four friends were sat in the small café that was not far from the forest. They had dropped their stuff off at Hazel's house and had gotten changed into something more comfortable and casual then their camping clothes. They then met back up at the fae's home once again. With one glance inside Tyrell was excited. Tyrell liked interior design and with the fae's power of creation there was a lot of possibilities that could happen in that house.

Even though the twins had been on a walk around the area , they hadn't been inside the café nor did they linger around there for long, they didn't look at the name or the interior until that morning where the four of them. When they saw the café the twins nearly had to stop in their steps from how perfect the place was.

The sign that was above the door read 'treats no tricks' in white, green and orange lettering. There was many different statues and ornaments in the window. The ornaments ranging from green-eyed black cats which were curled up on stacks of old fashioned, worn- looking books. There were a few statues of different goddesses and angels. Tyrell was able to name a few of them from what he could see but there was a few that he didn't recognise. There was a few haunted houses in the window that looked like they were transported straight from a movie set and shrunk down.

It was an alternative paradise for the two humans. They were half-expecting dawn to meet them at the counter , there was no doubt in their minds that this is one of her spots. There was a wall of crystals, tarot cards, incenses, and other things such as that for sale. Since the café was on the corner , there were two lots of windows. It seemed as though the ornaments were trapped between the windows or stuck within the glass as there was no way to access them.

The door was a rich maroon colour with a silver and intricately carved door knocker in the shape of a bird for aesthetic reasons presumably. When you entered the café there was two steps that you had to go up to be on the main floor. The floors were a light wood with the occasional rug. The rugs were all intricately decorated with patterns and tassels.

The tables were a darker brown, there was a mix of round tables and square tables depending on where you were in the room. If you were by the windows there were square tables with very comfortable looking purple settees. Whereas if you were in the centre of the café there were round tables which were accompanied by chairs of the same colour wood with purple cushions. The wall with the tings to buy was on the left in ikea styled white shelves.

On the wall behind the counter was a series of dream catchers and wall hangings. Some had wolves on them, others had pictures of fires or pretty goddesses, One that stood out to the twins was a depiction of a fairy. They knew that their money wouldn't last very long in here.

There was the regular set up of food under warm lamps or in a fridge. The food looked so delicious and homemade. They weren't all uniformed, some were different shapes and some were slightly caught on the edges but they were still all proudly displayed. A doorway to what is presumably the kitchen had an open door but it had wooden beads hanging from the frame. ]

The four friends had entered the café and the two humans made a B-line for the counter whilst the fae found a window seat. The humans ordered three croissants, some jam on toast and four cups of tea. The kind cashier with pink, yellow and blue hair smiled enthusiastically as she took their order and asked them to sit at their table.

Sylvester and Laylian were sat facing each other whilst the humans went o order. "Well...that went well!" Laylian said cheerfully as she looked at her friend who was looking out the window. Sylvester had a small smile on his face as he watched the cars drive past.

"Yes it went surprisingly well... they seem to be taking it nicely... I'll give them a day." Sylvester said happily to start with but his pessimistic nature soon took a hold on him. He was very happy that the humans reacted this way to finding out what they were, he appreciated the comfort that both Tyrell and Kelso gave him. The dark fae could still feel the remains of Tyrell's hug. Sylvester knew that this happiness wasn't going to last, they had already hit a bump in the road and they hadn't been there for long.

"Hmm I don't think it'll be like that Sylvester..." Laylian said as she rested her head on her hand. She watched the two humans conversing with the lady at the front. Kelso had her finger on her chin in thought and was rocking on her heels. Tyrell was stood politely beside his twin and spoke with a smile on his face. 'The twins seemed to be the exact same yet exact opposites at the same time,' Laylian thought fondly 'kind of like me and silver'. "Of course we never know, but this has went well so far. I have hope."

Sylvester gave a fond chuckle at his friends words "You always have hope, you're like a dove. You have hope and wish to have the freedom to fly." That had the both of them laughing. It was a topic that they frequently discussed, if you could be any animal in the world what would it be? Sylvester had came up with many for Laylian though he had never attributed an animal to himself. No matter how much Laylian tried, she couldn't really place an animal onto him. Sylvester was many different things that didn't exactly make one creature,. Though that seems to be the case with everyone, as Sylvester had attributed at least five animals to Laylian.

"What are you guys laughing about?" Kelso said with a smile as she sat down next to Laylian. It seemed almost natural to sit next to Laylian now. Usually the twins would sit together . Though the preferred it like this. This way they could see each other clearly , though they won't admit the second reason why they preferred to sit like this.

"Oh we were just-" Laylian started to say but she was quickly interrupted. There was people approaching the door of the café and the fae could easily see who it was. She hoped that the four of them wouldn't be spotted by the group. 

Beyond the Dimensions (Book 1 of the 'dimensions' series)Where stories live. Discover now