chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Laylian felt like she had been asleep forever as she lived in her dream world. She couldn't tell if she was awake or if she was asleep but that has been a more common occurrence for her. After her world from a dream came to life in front of her eyes, along with the rest of her friend's, she had a hard time figuring out what was real and what wasn't.

Her vision was blurry but she was surrounded by darkness either way, being able to see clearly would not have helped her. She felt the presence of others in the room but she could not make out anyone. She felt the low levels of energy, so much so that she thought it may be a mouse or something, though it would have been a few gigantic mice as she had a vague idea of how big the beings were.

She was very uncomfortable as she was sat on a cold stone floor. She could smell metal and fire but she had no clue in which direction it was coming from. She could hear clanging or banging or muttering. Though everything sounded the same to her as her head was pounding. There were a few spots of light on the floor and the walls but it wasn't enough to make much out.

She didn't have a very good idea of the walls that she was surrounded by. She couldn't tell that she was in a rather round room with many people against the walls...or in cages. Al the people were panicking, they were panicking because they knew her, they knew her as the noble fae Laylian. They did not know that she had escaped to the human dimension in the middle of the night.

They were unable to express their panic, they were unable to express much these days. They were exhausted and they needed to preserve their energy for them. The one person who collected them there. The fae and the occasional humans that come through this building are all brought there by them. The person orchestrating this entire thing, this devious and terrible plan is all because of them.

They are a myth which seemed to come to life but of course, myths all have their sources and roots in reality. They were just another myth or legend that seemed to come to life in the dead of night when there were no creatures around, they were the shadows that are created not because of the light but because of the absence of light.

Though nobody seemed to be able to remember this person, their appearance itself being something abstract or a faded memory. Though Laylian never got to see this legend, not that she wanted to, She was useless to them by herself, their plan was to draw the gatekeepers out one by one and since their was only two of them, it owuldn't be that difficult.

Laylian's body was not strong enough to yet comprehend much, or to stay conscious for very long. She could feel the energy in the room which was draining her quicker. Her eyes were closed shut, or at least she thought they were, she was once again drifting. She wondered if she was awake or asleep as she heard noises, voices, clanging, banging, beating, drumming.

The two humans tried their very best to catch up with Sylvester as they ran through a park, the twins had known this park was there . They had planned to visit it some point soon. Though they had no time to stay and take note of the scenery , they were rather preoccupied with worry, stress and anxiety.

"okay-" Kelso said as Sylvester stopped and looked around, she leant forward on her knees, slightly out of breath from the running. "so, what now? Do we just need to look around?" She was still panicking but now she had her breath back she could do it verbally. She had followed the two boys to the park without knowing much of what was going on, though she did understand that there was something wrong when it comes to Laylian and that worried her...more then she would like to admit.

"unless you have a better idea-" Sylvester muttered darkly as he looked around at the trees, noting was catching his eye. That was until he saw something silver on the ground. It was a very thin chain bracelet with a charm of wings on it, Sylvester recognised it as a bracelet given to Laylian from her father. His eyes went from the chain whichw as now in his hands to the forest and trees that surrounded the place.

Tyrell walked over to him and stood close enough so that it was comforting for Sylvester and that Tyrell could see what he was holding. "Is that-"he was interrupted as a small squeal came from Kelso . This was to Sylvester's annoyance, he sent a small intimidating glare in her direction.

Kelso shrank back into herself and started to walk towards the trees. She was feeling rather angry, she didn't really know much of what was going on and Tyrell seemed to take it in stride. Kelso was struggling to handle all the events that were happening , which was odd as it was normally the other way around. She felt like a bit of a nuisance ro a third wheel. Sylvester and Tyrell seemed unbeatable , they were a great team as they worked together. She felt useless.

Kelso's bitter feelings led her to a group of trees , she wasn't too far from the boys and she was still in view, though no-one was watching her. Sylvester and Tyrell were focused on the bracelet in Sylvester's hand and the trees that they were surrounded by.

This is why when Kelso thought she saw something they didn't notice her walk off, they didn't notice her slip through the trees and step onto a broken stone pathway. A stone pathway that held a broken water fountain. 

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