chapter 14

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The friend's didn't have the best night sleep either. Sylvester lay on the floor of the room that Laylian didn't want. Laylian agued and said that Sylvester should choose but she knew that her words were falling on deaf ears. He was just happy to have a roof over his head. That night these two fae shared a dream, which was unusual , especially since Sylvester was of a different species.

They were back int heir world, though Laylian didn't know exactly where. Sylvester did, he knew the place very well. The trees were of a dark wood, the branches were bare and what little leaves they could see were dead and brown. This was in the fae dimension, though most of it was taken over by the dark fae. It was where the fae generally do not go.

The dead and twisted trees almost framed a misshapen path. The two friends looked at each other and shrugged. Though this was an incredibly odd situation, the most they could do was go with it. It wasn't out of the ordinary for Sylvester to dream about this place. He just assumed that Laylian was with him in dream because she was with him in the human dimension.

It was a place of nightmares and monsters. Those who were unfortunate to get under the spell of a dark fae and lose their minds to thee control which a dark fae can possess.

The fae prefer to be surrounded by happy and peaceful wildlife , with lush green grass and take care of the nature that surrounds them. The dark fae really did not care much for the environment. Sylvester was once again singled out by this factor. He grew up with no bad influences to teach him to hate nature and earth, once he got to the greener side of the forest he got a great appreciation for nature. He would have loved to spend the rest of his life in the forest, though with some interaction that is more then Laylian visiting when she could.

They were walking down the path when they came across a broken water fountain. There was no longer any water in it due to the heat that had been beating down on it for years. The stone was chipped off and there was nearly an entire side missing from the fountain. It was rather simple but the bowl that was on the top was slanted and also slightly chipped.

The two friends walked past that , still curious to see what the dream had in store. On Laylians' left however there was a very large building, it looked like a mansion, though like everything else in this place it seemed very run-down. Laylian stopped which caused Sylvester to also stop in his tracks, he was looking to his right where there were a few animals fighting.

The mansion was tall and dark. It looked like something that you would see in a horror movie. They didn't get much time to bask in the creepy atmosphere of the house as the door started to open. The light gray sky turned dark black as a shadow seemed to eat all the light.

That was when they both woke up. It took Sylvester a moment to realize where he was, he was very tense and unhappy due to the sudden change in surroundings. Laylian had a better reaction as she just sighed and got off the uncomfortable bed.

Laylian walked downstairs once she had put on her uniform. She didn't like the uniform what so ever but she supposed it was better then what she had thought of. The purple and blue went well together but she wasn't used to wearing a skirt that short. She was nobility in the fae world and was expected to dress like such. She sneakily made some jeans from denim that she had sourced and those were her pride and joy.

"Good morning!" Laylian said cheerfully as Sylvester entered the room. She almost burst out laughing at the state his uniform was in. The sweater vest was the wrong way around, his tie was not done correctly at all and his shirt was untucked with the color up. She happily glided over to him and sorted out his tie and collar though she did instruct "You should tuck your shirt in, Tyrell had his tucked in and from what I've seen it's following the rules. Your vest is also back to front." Whilst trying to hold back another set of giggles.

Sylvester groaned whilst fixing his clothes "why are human uniforms so complicated? In fact why do humans have uniforms? I don't see anything wrong with regular clothes." He pouted angrily. He felt rather restricted in the uniform which wasn't helping his nerves.

"Look we will get through this together okay? They won't be able to split us up, we don't let them. Besides we know other people who seem nice!" Laylian tried to be positive to cheer her friend up but even she agreed that she didn't see the point in school uniforms.

"we had a two minute conversation with two people yesterday...I'd hardly say that we know them." Sylvester muttered with his arms crossed. He had liked the people that they met yesterday but he was in a bad mood and wasn't afraid to be somewhat moody and snarky.

"you have a point...but either way...lets go." Laylian said as she started to pull on Sylvester's arm. "We can get there just as it opens and hopefully there'll be food." Food sounded nice to the both of them. They hadn't really eaten much since they got there in order to conserve Laylian's energy. Though it was Sylvester who dreaded using his powers today. He knew that he would need to use his powers quite a bit and concentrate very hard on what he wants to happen. He was not experienced what so ever in the use of his powers.

When they got to the school they entered the reception area and headed over to the desk "Hello, we're new students, Sylvester and Laylian. We're here for our schedule." Sylvester said with a charming and melodic voice. His dark eyes got darker as he stared intensely at the woman who was sat there.

Though his tone was confident and demanding, his hands were shaking. Out of the view Laylian had grabbed his hand and held tightly, giving him the courage to continue. She could almost feel a sense of self-loathing coming off him which made her ehart crack a little bit.

"Of course, here's your schedules-" The receptionist said in a flat tone as she started to look something up on her computer. Though her language sparked something in Sylvester .

"We're in the same class..." Sylvester smiled sickly sweet, it seemed almost evil. He wasn't used to anyone's kindness other then Laylian and therefore he was replicating what he had seen. The receptionist seemed to freeze for a moment before nodding and handing them a single schedule.

"Have a nice day."

Beyond the Dimensions (Book 1 of the 'dimensions' series)Where stories live. Discover now