chapter 17

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Chapter 17

There was a small fifteen minute break after the maths class. During this time the four friends went to the library. Kelso and Tyrell were excited as they got to sit in one of the circles of four seats with their new found friends. Tyrell sat at the back, with a bookshelf behind him which didn't have any shelves but posters of different things that hadn't been changed in years. To Tyrell's Right there was Sylvester and to Sylvester's right was Laylian. Kelso was sat to the left of Tyrell.

It was a little bit awkward at first but then Kelso brought up the conversation that her and Laylian were having previously, it seemed to break the tension a little bit as the two girls chatted away. Tyrell turned to Sylvester who was just fiddling with his bag. Sylvester's appearance didn't really match his habits. Sylvester was tall and had dark features. Sylvester wasn't the skinniest as you could clearly see his muscles through the blazer.

"Hey up...Sylvester?" Tyrell asked to get Sylvester's attention. The dark fae froze completely before looking at Tyrell with slightly widened eyes. He looked like a deer in headlights. It seemed he always looked like he was going to get into trouble. "Do you by any chance need help with anything? I saw you struggling a bit in class..." Tyrell asked awkwardly. He had offered help to people before but it was rather odd if he didn't know how much the person was struggling. Especially if he was the one that brought up the topic.

Though Tyrell was very happy that he had offered. The anxiousness and nervousness was worth seeing Sylvester's eyes light up and a smile creep on his face. "really? You wouldn't mind? I was uh-not very well home schooled..." Sylvester's tone was cheery and excited. Tyrell doubted that he had ever seen anyone so excited in his life. Though he also doubted that excited was the right word, he struggled to find the right one.

"um no problem! We can start at lunch if you want? We could come back up here..." Tyrell muttered off as Sylvester nodded after nearly every word. Meanwhile the girls were on a similar topic. The boys couldn't' hear what they were taking about but the occasional giggle had them somewhat concerned.

"oh I know right?" Kelso asked rhetorically. They were talking about the two boys sat next to them. In a good way of course. They were just talking about the friendship that had quickly blossomed. At the current moment Kelso was telling Laylian about how she and Tyrell sometimes said things at the same time and how annoying it can be sometimes. "Everyone always thinks that we do everything together! I mean ...we haven't done a good job at denying the rumour apparently but still!"

This caused Laylian to giggle and glance over at Tyrell who seemed to be in very awkward conversation with Sylvester. She was glad about this though. At least Sylvester is talking to someone and making friends by himself. That was one of her main fears, that he wouldn't make any friends by himself. "Yeah I can see that...Same here, I was afraid that Sylvester wouldn't make any friends and stick by me. Though he seems to get on well with Tyrell."

Kelso glanced quickly at her twin "Yes actually , it's surprising me too. Tyrell is usually the much more reserved out of the two of us." Kelso's eyes seemed green under the light of the library and the happiness that was shining in them. She was starting to relax about the move. Yesterday didn't go so well but her hope was building once again.

"Oh I still think that he's the more reserved one..."Laylian teased politely. Even in such an informal setting she was still holding herself like a noble person. She supposed that it would take her a while to get out of the habit of keeping her back straight and hands folded politely. "Do you happen to know what class we have next?"

Kelso looked to Tyrell who had stopped his conversation with Sylvester. Both of the boys had smiles on their faces but Tyrell's dropped once he looked at his schedule. In one swift motion he threw the timetable behind him and tilted his head back. "PE..." This caused Kelso to groan herself and slump down in her seat. Kelso was much more athletic then Tyrell but that didn't mean for one moment that she enjoyed E.

The fae looked on in confusion. "PE...?" Laylian trailed off questioningly. She didn't know what that was and with a look towards Sylvester he wasn't sure either. The fae didn't really know much about human school systems. The creation fo the dimensions was years before ancient history records . Only those who lived in the human dimension or selected scholars would know about the school systems.

Kelso had her eyes shut and was rubbing her temples, as though she had been thinking very hard and now has a terrible headache. "Physical education, it is the time where students get together and do sports or something similar. It's not usually a pleasant experience." Kelso tried to make her thoughts more positive . She opened her eyes once again and reached down to get her bag. "well...we haven't had PE here yet so it'll experience. We gotta go and get our PE kits, do you have yours?"

"PE kit?..." Sylvester muttered to Laylian as they walked out of the library behind the twins. They didn't know what those words meant though they were excited to find out. They got to the twins' lockers which were very close to each other. The fae creatures looked confused, they wondered if they had been given a locker. They hadn't heard anything though that may just be because they kind of forced themselves into the education system.

It didn't take long for the twins to pull out some drawstring bags from their lockers. Kelso's being blue and Tyrell's being purple. The twins lead the fae creatures to the other side of the school where they stood. "So do you two not have PE kits?" Tyrell asked curiously. The two friends just shook their heads . "Well uh..Sylvester you might want to come over here, this is the boy's line." Tyrell gestured politely to the space that was next to him. He had a little blush on his face that matched Sylvester's. Tyrell didn't want to make it sound like he was using it as an excuse to be closer to Sylvester and Sylvester was embarrassed that he wasn't in the right line.

"I suppose you guys didn't have PE when you were home-schooled. Actually that would make a lot of sense! If you guys had things to do around the house or if you guys went for walks I don't see the point in PE." Kelso said cheerfully whilst bouncing on her heels. She was somewhat looking forward to the lesson, though since she didn't know many people here she didn't know what to expect.

Before anyone else could answer a lady stepped out of the changing room doors, she had shoulder length brown hair and she was rather short. Her eyes landed on the girls and she gave a cheerful greeting, "right then hello! You must be the new students, come on in!"

Beyond the Dimensions (Book 1 of the 'dimensions' series)Where stories live. Discover now