Hoseok's Epilepsy: Fever (+A/N)

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hi guys

so uh,, i know this isnt the most popular series in this book, and i know a lot of people dont read them, but this story has sentimental value to me

a lot of you already know, but in march this year, i lost my best friend. she and i had worked on this story, and this timeline, for 4 years (2 of them were hobi). i know its time to let her go, and move on, and end this, but i cant bring myself to do it. 

im crying lol

this is all i have left of her. this is all i do to keep her memory going. i cant let it go yet i cant do it. i know it might help me move on but i miss her so fucking much and sometimes i dream shes still here and i cant. i just cant let go now.

im crying too much. yeah. just enjoy it, for her sake.


Hoseok's POV -

When I wake up in the morning I'm instantly reminded of the day I had my first seizure. It's not that I've had one in the night; my head burns with fever, and I can feel myself sweating all over. My tummy is all cramped up, and my nose is stuffy. I have a cold.

This will be the first time I've been ill since diagnosis. Even though seizures knock me out of focus, and leave me feeling out of sorts for hours, plus have made me throw up, I've never actually had any other illness on top. I rarely get ill, since I have a strong body, and I know how to care for myself properly.

That doesn't mean I'm immune, though. The boys have been trying their hardest to keep me away from anything that could make me sick. They want to keep me covered until my epilepsy is officially stable, and my body can cope with a little more. When Yoongi had the flu last month, he had to quarantine in his room until he was certain he was better. I felt awful for him, since he probably wanted our comfort, but it's too high risk for me to get the flu right now. It could kill me.

When Seokjin had his appendicitis, Yoongi tried to keep him in his room, too, after having asked him to help me with my auras. That was the last seizure I had; just over 2 months ago. He was all feverish and sick, but, since I couldn't actually catch it off him, he was allowed to come and help.

That whole day had been a write off. I had 4 seizures that day. Seokjin opened up once he got home, and said he was sad that no one had woken him for tea, or come to check up on him, but the reality was that nobody had dinner that night, and I was in such a state they thought they were going to have to call an ambulance. My head was so foggy after that it took me two days to figure out Seokjin wasn't even with us.

There's something odd about that day. The others seem very quick to avoid how sick Seokjin was that day whenever I ask about it. They only do it to me, though. I might have a disability, but I don't need protecting like that. It's just upsetting. It's like something happened that they don't want me to know about.

Anyway, back to now. I get to sleep in my own bed now, and I still board with Jimin. I sit up, and look over at him. He's awake, making his bed, his eyes still half shut. He catches me staring, and smiles softly.

"Morning, hyung," he says in his deep morning voice.

"Jimin," I mumble, feeling all shaky and out of sorts. "I think I've got a cold."

His eyes open up a little more, and he comes and sits on the edge of my bed. He rests his hand against my forehead, his frown turning sad. "Yeah, you're burning up, hyung. My poor baby."

He gives my forehead a soft kiss, then goes back to making his own bed. Shoot me if I'm wrong, but that seemed a bit ... anticlimactic? Maybe I'm the only one worrying about my epilepsy now, since it's been a while since the last one. Maybe Jimin thinks I'm stable?

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