Namjoon: Meningitis (+A/N)

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so yeah, another a/n. This is a serious one.

i shouldnt have to sit here and tell everyone my problems, my life, what i dislike, what triggers me. but im left with no other option.

i have my own fair share of problems. i found the depression chapter hard. i sound the s**f h**m chapter triggering. ive point blank refused to do anything more on those subjects, and including ed's and su****e. yet here i am. writing this.

it is not your business to come in here. on MY page. and tell me what i should and should not find triggering. it is not for you to decide what i will or will not write. i have told you my limits. and if you dont respect them, then i start pulling chapters.

you should not be coming in here, telling me what you use to c*t yourself with. what your plan is. how youre learning what to make yourself bulimic with. there are kids on here. there are people who look for this info. there are people who find this triggering. I find this triggering.

this a/n applies to only a few people. if this doesnt relate to you, then no panic. im not telling you off. 

ive said multiple times. i have told you this is triggering to me. yet, at least once a week, the few of you creep back to tell me what fucking blades you like. im sorry, but thats just sickening. do you want me to just like, disappear off here, or something?

i delete messages, comments, and posts on my - MY - timeline that contain these things, just so innocent readers dont have to see them. but i have to see them. i came here to help myself get better. not to be triggered into relapsing again. so thanks so fucking much for that.

from hereon out. any comments left about ed's will result in the chapter being pulled altogether, and ruin it for everyone else. this is your last fucking warning. i dont have to be here. i dont have to write these chapters.

i dont mind writing about mental health. i dont mind discussing it, if im in the right mindframe. i am here to support you. it is not okay, however, to enter my dms with no warning. write on my message board with no warning, or comment triggering things when they do not relate to the chapter in any way. if there is a warning on the chapter, then freegame, but otherwise? stop. it is not okay to use graphic, strong language with no warning either.

do not read this a/n, and then immediately blame me for "upsetting" you, or you "didnt realise" i thought this way. i have said enough times that i have my limits. i have told you to stop before. just. stop. anyone who goes off to their own acc and starts publically slagging me off will be reported and blocked :)

thank you.

request by Jinkookminbae :)


Namjoon's POV -

We've done things in the dorm that are questionable at the least. Things that we wouldn't dare tell the fans, or even our family. It's a case of whatever happens in the dorm, stays in the dorm. We're just guys being dudes, I guess.

Things get weird; such as random arguments about spoons, down to what the best faux fur coat is. That's just fun, we're on our own crazy stuff. There's times where we've shared showers, even though there's enough in the dorm to mean that we don't have to wait for everyone else. Taehyung is the worst for it. You'll be standing on your own, enjoying the water, when he'll just suddenly climb in, ass naked, and start showering along with you. It happens so often it's not even embarrasing anymore.

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