Chapter one: Part one

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Ok. Ok. That is just too funnnnny!!! 😂^^^^^(the photo) Perfectly illustrates how Jafar truly is. (Jafar: "you should take classes with me so that you can learn how to be an advisor, bi***.")Also I don't know how long this is going to be, so expect maybe 10-20 chapter at least. Also also, Jafar is an assassin in this, but he's also a slave assassin. He was traded for money early in life and that's why he never met up with Sinbad. Also also also, at the end there's a little more to that little Jafar thing I did up there ^^^.Ok, let's get going:

Jafar hated this. Every single second. The agony. The pain. It seemed to last forever, never stopping for Jafar to even catch his breath. His screams filled the hollow rooms he laid in for hours, maybe days. How could he stand it for any longer? Maybe a few more seconds- nope. He couldn't. The weight around his chest was taking him away. Why was his heart beating so fast? Why were his eyes closing? Why was this? Why did that? Wait, did that think just shatter? Who's this? Where am- what the? Wait... Nothing. Nothing ever waited for Jafar... Only his death.

Now usually, Sinbad was uptight and straight forward, but today... was not the case. You see, Sinbad got himself into quite a huge debt with who he did not know was an assassin named Mahad. The man was bulky, could possibly take on Masur if he wanted, and didn't talk much. Anyway, Sinbad had tried to play poker, a new found game which was gaining in popularity over the years, and failed miserably. The amount Sinbad had to pay was more than his ship! (He didn't buy his ship, it was gifted to him by Hinahoho and his people) Of course, Sinbad couldn't pay it up anytime soon so now assassins were after him. AND his crew left him! How nice of them... When he gets his hands on Sharrkan, Pisti, maybe Hina, definitely not Rurumu, Yamuriaha, maybe Masur, and the others...; he didn't know what he'd do actually. He was mad, of course, but didn't want to hurt them or lecture them. 'They're probably coming back right now,' was Sinbad thought 1 week ago. ARRRGHHHH!


The sounds of chains echoed down the halls. Jafar never really left his cell nowadays, now that his master had gotten a new fanalis slave. (Here's some stuff I added, fanalis are decadents of a type of demon) Jafar also hadn't talked in about 5 years, since he was 11. Seems unrealistic, right? But nope. He hadn't talked that entire time, so his voice was rusty. Jafar didn't understand why he was let out his cell and was being brought to his master. The person(a slave) directing him there assured him inside a small room. It was dark, but Jafar had very good vision in the dark, so he could see his master sitting on a chair in front of a desk. "You may leave, Morgiana. This conversation shouldn't be heard by 11 year olds." Jafar stopped Morgiana from leaving with his arm. "Oh, well then. You may stay. Jafar, is it? I suppose. You're that kid I bought from that assassination guild, right?" Jafar nodded. "Good. Good. So you still able to fight?" Jafar nodded. "Humph. Alright, you will be going after a man named Sinbad. My close friend, Mahad needs money from him." Jafar nodded for the last time before turning to leave. Then Morgiana spoke up.

"Jamil! Please! He's been locked up for so long!" Jamil stood abruptly, almost making the chair fall to the ground.

"Who said you could talk?" Morgiana froze. Jafar watched as Jamil walked over to her and slapped her right across the face. She fell to the floor, sobbing. How old was she again? 11... Jafar should do something, but what could he do? If anything he'd get himself in trouble. And at the same time he was taught to never show weakness in front of people. Helping will end up showing weakness.

"I-I'm sorry! I won't speak again! Please! Jamil!" Jamil took his sword, readying it to cut Morgiana's arm. Jafar couldn't watch anymore. An 11- no one should have to got through this pain. Before the blade reached Morgiana's arm, Jafar's arm intersected the blade into his own skin. Blood trickled down his arm.

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