Chapter 6: part one

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Look at Suga and Jafar switching! This is just too pure is so many ways! Ok back to chapter 6!


Sinbad woke up with a horrible headache for some reason. He looked around to see that he was in a bar! He didn't remember much from last night apart from Jafar telling him he shouldn't leave to go to a bar, and he just leaving, then entering a bar... that's when it ended. He did know that it had been a few days since they had left the elves safe heaven. They had entered the city and left as quickly as possible, as Jafar saw some 'friends.' Now they were staying at a hotel in a small town East of the city they had left.

Sinbad yawned as he looked around a second time. He noticed that there was some other people there. They were all passed out, though. Sinbad sighed and stood up, his headache reaching the highest pain it could. How much did he drink last night? Then he left the bar and headed to the hotel.

Once he entered their hotel room, he saw Jafar snuggled up into a ball in the bed. Sinbad had gotten Jafar to sleep in beds from now on, and he seemed way too cute in that way. Sinbad sat down on the bed and laid down next to Jafar. Over the past few days, Jafar had actually called them friends, which had surprised him. Sinbad was easy to recover from that, but he couldn't help but feel a slight blush come across his face as he remembered that memory. He turned back to Jafar and brushed a lose strand of hair away from his face. Jafar stirred and his eyes slowly fluttered open, looking at Sinbad.

"You look like shit." He commented, pushing his face back into the pillow he was hugging. Sinbad huffed and pouted. And after a moment, Jafar gave up-or Sinbad thought- "But you always look shitty, so I can't say much about that." Sinbad pouted even more, falling back onto his own pillow. "Also, your friend, Yamuraiha. You should talk to her. I kinda told her to fuck off when she called you this morning. She was pretty pissed." Sinbad had learned from experience that Jafar had a bad mouth, especially in the morning. He wished he could have said that to Yam, so he grabbed his communication device and called Yam. She answered almost immediately.

"Hey Yam~-." He started, but was cut off by Yam yelling.

"WHERE'S THAT KID!? ILL KILL HIM!" Jafar looked at his nails, snickering.

"Isn't that my line?" He asked, knowing it was making Yam madder. You could feel the anger radiating off of her from here. Sinbad gulped.

"Sorry about that. Jafar just recently got his voice back when he wakes up, he's a bit grumpy and swears." He whispered the last part but Jafar heard and sent him a death glare. Yam took a deep breath, calming herself.

"Anyway, I wanted to tell you that we got the contract back and are here waiting at the docks." She explained. Jafar slouched, sliding down his pillow, pouting. It was kinda cute.

"Does that mean I have to see her in person, Sin?" Sinbad nodded. He knew that if they met, they'd get along for the most part. There was a huff on the other side of the device.

"Sinbad." Yam said blankly, telling Sinbad that she wanted to talk alone. Jafar noticed this as well and walked over to the window. Sinbad thought he was going to leave from the door, but he used the window to swing onto the roof. Yam, knowing Jafar was gone, continued. "We're not letting an assassin onto our ship. We won't let you bring him on. Please understand, it's for your own good." Sinbad felt angry at that, and retaliated.

"How can you say that!? He's actually a nice person! Him and I have just left an elf heaven and there was a battle and-." Yam stopped Sinbad in his tracks.

"We don't care if he's nice. He will attack you when he's ordered to. He will kill you if he stays with you. When you arrive at the docks, you'll leave him." Sinbad wanted to argue more about it, mostly because Jafar was becoming his friend, but he also couldn't shake that thought away. Jafar could kill Sinbad at any moment, so why wasn't he?

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