Chapter 5: part two

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This is actually in the manga and it's so funny😂 Jafar is such a baby when it comes tot his stuff. Ok part two!!! Also I put a song in here that you might want to listen to to understand some of the feelings going on.


Sinbad reached the last of the stairs, which were surprisingly longer than the times he'd gone up and down was probably because he was in a rush. Once he got to the top, he flung the secret passage way open. What he saw was something unthinkable.

Yua and Delia weren't that far away, and they were fighting goblins. Speaking of goblins, there were so many of them. He gulped. Bal hadn't responded to him, nor did his powers work yet, so... he could possibly die out here. No. That wasn't an option.

Sinbad ran out and into the crowds of elves fighting the goblins. He passed by many of dead bodies. Most being goblins, but some were elves. Sinbad looked around aimlessly. "JAFAR!" He called out. There was no answer except a slight cough from an elf laying on the floor. Sinbad turned to them and helped them sit up. "Are you alright?" He asked. They coughed.

"J-Jafar... he's fighting... s-somewhere... with... Y-Yuki... in... the... front l-lines..." They whispered, blood trickling down there chin. Sinbad watched as the color slowly started to fade in their eyes.

"Do you have a sister?" Sinbad asked. They nodded slowly. Sinbad gulped. The girl he'd met earlier looked exactly like him. He'd have to break the news to her later on. "I'll tell you anything you want me to tell her!" He said.

The elf smiled. "Tell her... I-I l-love..... her..... and to not..... give up... t-that stupid.... dream of h-her's...." Sinbad nodded as he cradled the elf in his arms. Their last moments will be in comfort, not laying on the floor.

"I'll tell her. I promise." Sinbad whispered as the elf's eyes slowly dropped. They smiled.

"T... Thank... yo... you..." And with that, they were gone. No more pulse or breath. Sinbad slowly set them down and looked over at the front lines. What he saw was something he didn't want to see. A huge goblin- or org, as it looked- was running at full speed at someone.

As he ran to the front lines, the org stopped running and was about to swing their huge axe at someone he couldn't see. A flash of lighting appeared out of nowhere and Sinbad closed his eyes as a bright light flashed as the sword went down to strike.

There was a yell as Sinbad opened his eyes. The org had been flung backwards and off balance. It'd be a moment before it would get back up. But what really caught Sinbad's attention was the scream coming from the direction the org swung at.

"JAFAR!" Sinbad's eyes widened and he ran faster.

When he got to the spot that he'd heard the yell from, he saw Yuki pulling Jafar into his arms. Sinbad ran to Yuki. "What happened!?" He asked. Yuki looked back up at him, tears streaming down his face.

"I-I don't know! Suddenly this org just appeared out of nowhere and I tried to move but my body wouldn't move and and and and." Sinbad put his hand over Yuki's shoulder. Yuki took a deep breath. "Jafar took the hit for me." He explained. Sinbad looked down at Jafar, who was clearly still awake, but in pain. He looked around his body, seeing a huge gash at his chest. Thankfully, it wasn't too deep, nor was it near the heart. But it was still considered fatal.

"We need to get him back inside." Sinbad explained, taking Jafar's hand into his to calm him down. It did work, for a moment, and Jafar looked at Sinbad. His grip onto Jafar's hand tightened. Yuki stood up.

"We can't go back now. I'm going to go get one of our medical people, but there's not many people here to help. You'll be by yourself." He explained. Sinbad nodded and Yuki ran off. Jafar stiffened and he closed his eyes again. Sinbad turned back to him.

"You're going to be ok." Sinbad tried to reassure Jafar, but seemed to only be reassuring himself. He watched as blood poured out of that gash. Jafar shook his head and heaved a big breath. That's right, it must've been hard for him to breathe.

But before Sinbad could say anything else, he noticed the org had gotten back up again. Sinbad watched as it charged again. Sinbad, without his powers, wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight. Especially if he had to worry about Jafar. Suddenly Jafar's grip tightened and Sinbad's focus turned back to him. Jafar was smiling through his own pain. He put his hand up to Sinbad's head and pulled him down to his face. Jafar's mouth went near his ear.

"G-go... S-Sin... I-I'll b-be f-fine..." Sinbad's eyes widened. Jafar's voice box ran out just a few hours ago, so he shouldn't be able to talk. Jafar's hand slid down and flopped to the ground, but Jafar was still well awake and alive. "M-my d-dad... h-he'll... p-protect... u-us... H-he l-loves u-us..." He whispered. Sinbad looked down at Jafar's wound, which was healing slowly with his lighting. Sinbad looked at his sword, which was glowing as Jafar touched it. Sinbad nodded and handed him his darts. He grabbed both of Jafar's hands and held them to his heart.

"You better be alive when I get back, you got that!" He told him. Jafar smiled-although he was in pain- and nodded. Then Sinbad stood up and faced the incoming danger. The org stopped running and stopped in front of Sinbad. Sinbad stood tall and still, although the org was about 20 feet high. Sinbad gulped, wanting to turn to look at Jafar, but knew if he did do that, they'd both die. Slowly, he grabbed the hilt of his sword. "Bal, I need your help, just this once. Let me save your son, please." He whispered. The sword lit up in Sinbad's hands. He smiled and looked back up at the org, who was readying his axe. "Bye, bye. Roach~." He spoke.

Time skip because I don't like writing fight scenes:

Sinbad walked over to his and Jafar's room. He could hear cries in there. He knew Jafar was still alive, so he opened the door to see Yuki crying over Jafar. "I'm sorry, Jafar! Its because I wasn't paying attention you got hurt!" Jafar patted Yuki's head.

"Y-Yuki, I'm f-fine. I'll be f-fully h-healed in a-about 2 w-weeks." Jafar was still having trouble talking, although he could be heard loud and clear. It also seemed like that voice box gave Jafar a completely different voice than he had. Because the voice boxes voice was more lower than Jafar's true voice. Sinbad was happy that Jafar had a high voice. Yuki nodded and stood up, leaving Sinbad and Jafar alone. Sinbad walked over to Jafar and sat down. "Y-you're n-not h-hurt, a-are y-you?" He asked. Sinbad shook his head.

"I only got out of that fight with a few cuts. One was pretty bad, but Yua said I'd be fine. I just need to rest up for a few days, like you. But you're only alive because of your lighting powers." Jafar chuckled and grabbed Sinbad's hand.

"Y-You're a p-pout-f-full y-young man, a-aren't y-you?" He asked, but more like just stated. Sinbad tried to cover up his laughter along with Jafar. But that laughter was immediately cut off with Jafar trailing off. "I-If it w-weren't for y-you, I'd be d-dead. Y-you h-have my g-gratitude... Sin. P-please, t-tell me, a-about y-you're a-adventures." Sinbad's eyes widened at Jafar's smile. It was genuine smile. He smiled back and agreed.


Jafar's eyes slowly drooped as the stories went on. They were so intriguing. He smiled as Sinbad finished the story about how he met Sharrkan. And he chuckled at the part where he mentioned he wanted to create a country. "Hey! I'm going to make it happen!" Sinbad argued. That just made Jafar laugh harder.

"I-it's a h-hard d-dream, Sin. B-but I b-believe t-that it's p-possible..." He said, clearly tired. Sinbad placed his hand over Jafar's forehead, which Jafar pushed away. "I-I'm f-fine." He explained.

"But you're never so supportive. Are you sure you're alright?" Jafar snickered in response and stared at the ceiling.

"H-hey Sin...?" He asked. He got a 'Hmm,' in response. "N-never m-mind. C-continue." Sinbad jerked his head up and continued his story.


After a few more minutes, Jafar was out, with Sinbad coming along to sleep as well. Sinbad looked at the hand still gripping his. He wondered what Jafar wanted to tell him earlier, but don't think too much about it. He smiled as he stroked Jafar's chin. He set his head down next to Jafar's head as he crawled into the bed, cradling the smaller male under him.

Again, this is a little short. Anyways, hope you enjoyed. I'll have chapter 6 up tomorrow or maybe later on today. Ok bye! (Also it's 1:30 am right now so I don't know what is tomorrow or today anymore)

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