Season 2: chapter 6: part one

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This photo is way too cute. Ok chapter 6! Also there's going to be a shoutout at the end of chapter. Also also, this is kinda a short chapter, and that's why it's part one.


Jafar felt warm. He felt warm breath against his neck as if someone was breathing on him. It tickled. He opened his eyes and sat up quickly, ramming his head into someone else's head. Jafar fell back to the pillows and held his forehead. Then he heard a familiar voice. "Ow... Jafar, that really hurt..." Sin. Jafar opened his eyes again, but not sitting up. He saw Sin's face full with a little bit of pain but his eyes were full of happiness. Jafar smiled at him.

"Sorry, Baka." He said, cheerfully. Sin's face turned into one of confusion.

"Why're you saying Baka?" He asked. Jafar giggled behind his hand. He stared at Sin, admiring his features. He hadn't seen them in 2 long years, and now Sin's chin was starting to form into one of an actual males, losing its baby fat.

"Because it's your new nickname that you earned, Baka." Jafar lifted his arms around Sin's neck and shoulders and sat up to put his face in the crook of Sin's neck. Sin hugged him back. "How's everyone?" Jafar asked, muffled by being close to Sin's neck. Sin huffed.

"Not asking how I am, now?" He pouted. Jafar chuckled.

"Well I can see you and you're pretty much fine except the heat rising to your cheeks." Jafar coed, tapping the tip of Sin's nose as he pulled away from the hug. Sin was definitely blushing, and Jafar liked the blush on Sin's face. "Love ya."

Sin's eyes filled with tears when Jafar said that. The grip Sin had on Jafar tightened and Sin pulled Jafar closer to him. Jafar yelped in shock and looked back up at Sin's watery eyes. "Sin?" He asked. Sin shook his head.

"Don't separate from me again, you hear!?" Sin yelled, hugging Jafar closer. Sin was warm, the warmth that Jafar had been longing for. Jafar hugged back and stroked Sin's long hair.

"Ok... I won't."

"You gotta promise."

"I promise, Sin." Sin then released his hug on Jafar and Jafar scooted a little bit away on the bed. "Anyway, hows everyone else?" Jafar asked again. Sin wiped away his tears and looked at the door.

"You can come in!" He called out. Jafar noticed the door opening and he tried to hide under the covers. Sin laughed and pulled the soft covers off Jafar, making Jafar look at everyone in the eye. He gave a shy smile and a small wave.

"Hi...!" He barely mustered before pulling the covers from Sin's grasp and going back into the comfort of not being seen. Sin chuckled before he started to talk.

"He's a little shy, I guess. He was never like this when I met him, but I guess he's a little shy. And, what did I say to you all about when he woke up?" Jafar heard a few huffs and Sin, once again, pulled the covers off Jafar. This time, though, Sin grabbed Jafar's and held him in his lap. All other 10 people in the room suddenly bowed.

"We're sorry! You saved us, yet we showed you such rudeness 2 years ago! We're humbly embarrassed and sorry! Please forgive us!" They all said. Jafar blinked in Sin's grip, stopping his struggle. Then he turned to Sin, who let go of him, and stepped off the bed. He noticed Yamuraiha in the crowd of 10 people, and smiled.

"Well, I forgive you, although you did nothing wrong. And well..." Once everyone stopped bowing to stare at Jafar, he bowed at them. They all made a shocked sound, even Sin. "I'm sorry for trying to kill Sin! I should've asked this sooner, but will you allow me to stay with him and be of service to you all?!" Jafar asked, in a surprisingly not too loud tone. Sin got off the bed and walked in front of the other 10 people. He raised Jafar's chin, revealing his tears eyes.

"That's exactly what we were thinking. We'd like to ask you, would you like to serve me when I become king? You will be the first general of the 10 generals, and you'll live here with us." Jafar stood up straight.

"Only on one condition. You let my friends stay here as well, in your country." Jafar said. "And I have to subject that one of them is your son, Sin." Jafar laughed. Sin blushed a little but suddenly bowed with the others.

"We'd love that! Welcome, Jafar!" They all said at the same time. Jafar smiled and giggled. He was really happy, more happy than he'd ever been before.

No one

In a matter of a year, the country Sindria was formed. Sinbad became king, and the generals going down from 1-10 were; Jafar, Drakon, Masur, Hinahoho, Rurumu, Spartos, Mystras, Yamuriaha, Pisti, and Sharrkan. They'd be having a huge party in a matter of a week. Jafar had done most of the planning, making sure his dancer friends got to dance, and that he'd introduce Badr to Sinbad. Sinbad had made sure there'd be drinks, and was planning on getting everyone drunk. In a weeks time, they'd have he time of their lives.

Ok! Again, short chapter, but the next part will be kinda short as well. It'll be mostly about how everything was going around the palace for that week. Also, here's the shoutout:
Thank you for reading this fanfic. I'm really happy you are, and hopefully enjoying it! And I saw you're reading my other fanfic, and I'm really happy about that too! It makes my day seeing that you're liking my stories.

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