Season 2: chapter 4

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There is a reason I'm not putting a usual photo like I usually do. First off, the clothes Jafar is wearing in this image is what he's wearing. Second, Jafar is gonna be introduced! Yeah! Ok I know you're getting excited and just want to read the chapter, but there will the songs, "A Thousand Years," and, "See You Again," sang in this chapter. There will be some feels in it, so yeah. Just a warning but I don't suggest you skip this chapter, since it's important. Ok bye


The music dropped down for the climax. Brunette twirled around Poleax who twirled around Sandra and so on. Once everyone was twirling, the first bump went off and someone jumped up into the air and did three backflips in one jump. They landed on both feet once the second bump happened and the real climax started. Everyone swayed along to the music and that same person did flips, splits, jumps, and tricks at every right note for them.

The crowd cheered once the music stopped and they all bowed. Poleax handed the one who was doing the stunts a towel and they took off their hat, which sheltered their face. It revealed a pale, freckled face with silver hair. "Thank you." Jafar said. Poleax nodded and turned to talk to Malia. Jafar smiled and walked away from the crowd. He still wasn't good with big groups of people, even if he'd been doing this for 2 years already.

As he walked back to their camp, instead of entering his own tent, he entered a smaller one. A small child laid on a bed, reading a book. Jafar smiled at them as they noticed him. "How are you, Miki?" Jafar asked, laying a hand over her forehead. She smiled.

"I still have a *cough* cough, but I feel ok." Jafar sighed.

"Well, lets see, would you like to visit the market if you're up to it?" Miki shot up and nodded. Jafar laughed as she practically leaped into his arms and he carried her out of the tent.

They had only met Miki a few months ago, one their way to a festival in Balbadd. She had been very sick and in need of treatment. When she was checked out, they all found out she was not going to last long. She was only 8, and Jafar had a great connection with her. He hugged her tightly as they strolled over to the market. What Jafar usually meant by "market" is a place for kids with no parents or homes. No one took care of them, and for the time Jafar had been in this town, he'd gotten to know them all and Miki seemed to love them as much as he did. It was like having a new family.

They made their way over to an area full of small tents and laughing children. As soon as they saw Jafar and Miki, they all ran to them. Jafar set Miki down and gave all the children a big hug. "Brother Jafar! You didn't say that you were coming today." One child said. The child reminded Jafar of Sin a little. He had golden eyes and somewhat purple hair. Jafar laughed.

"Would you rather have me not come at all, Badr?" He asked. Badr shook his head. "Ok then, what game were you guys playing? I bet Miki would like to join you." Everyone turned to Miki, who was full of excitement. They smiled at her.

"We were playing hide and seek! Miki can play, but you have to too!" Badr told Jafar. Jafar chuckled and stood up.

"Then am I it?" He asked. Badr nodded and grabbed Miki's hand. Over the past few weeks, Badr and Miki had become good friends and Jafar once had a dream that if Miki lived long enough, they'd have children of their own. He smiled at the memory. Then he covered his eyes. "I'm counting to 10. Get going!" Jafar heard footsteps running away and little giggles going farther. He smiled to himself. "1~2~3~4~5~" He chanted. "6~7~8~9~10~!" Jafar then removed his hands from his eyes. He walked around the small campsite. He heard giggling as he passed by a tent. He stopped and turned around on his heels. "Hmmm. I wonder who's in HERE~" Jafar removed the covers of the tent, revealing a small child. She had a short braid of golden hair and green eyes.

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