Season 2: chapter 7

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So... there's a reason I put this picture here, and that's because it's gonna be a scene in the chapter. Get ready for some feels if you get sad/happy easily. Also the song in the story is, "Find you there," by, "We The Kings." (I added the lyric video)

No one

The party was today. And everything seemed to be going smoothly. The plans were to have just a regular party at 6, then when the sun started to set, the dancers would come out and dance for the rest of the night, and finally, the secret that Sinbad had planned and told no one for they'd probably tell Jafar about it, was the lights that'd fly into the night sky once it struck midnight. And another secret Sinbad was keeping was the fact that this was Jafar and his (3rd but they didn't really spend too much together for 2 years) first anniversary, and he planned to ask something that night. Little did he know, Jafar was planning something too.


Sinbad felt happy about today. He felt more energized than before, and he was going to stay that way. He trotted over to Jafar's bedroom and knocked on it happily. There was a groan inside, signaling him that his boyfriend was just waking up. Sinbad opened the door in spite that fact and was met with a dart to the door next to his face. His face went from happy and bubbly to scared and frightened. The top of his forehead went blue and his jaw opened. He turned to the bed, which Jafar laid in, rolling over, and pulling the dart back to him. Sinbad regained his happiness and trotted over to Jafar. He practically picked him up out from under his covers and said, "you can't sleep in all day, Jafar! You do remember the party is today!?"

Jafar's hair was wild, untamed, and his eyes were barely even open. His mouth was slightly open as well, a small drop of drool coming from it. He was too flipping adorable when he just woke up, well, if he didn't talk or try to kill you, that is. Jafar groaned and rolled out of Sinbad's arms and back onto his bed. He threw the blankets back over his head and mumbled a quick, "go away." Sinbad pouted and jumped onto Jafar. "H-Hey!? What the hell do you fucking think you're doing!? Get off! I'm awake, I'm awake!" That definitely woke him up.

Time skip: breakfast

Sinbad walked with Jafar to the table that they sat at. Jafar was still barely even awake and his hair was still not-so-tamed. Right as they sat down, Yam took one look at Jafar and grinned. This was going to be a bad breakfast, or maybe a good one? Hopefully...

"So... Jafar... what's up with your hair today? It seems a bit... um... how do I put it... messy." Sinbad glared at Yam, but she ignored him. Jafar looked at Yam and sighed.

"And yet, it still looks better than that mop on your head." Jafar retaliated. Yam shuddered back while the rest of the table exploded with laughter.

"He got you good!" Sharrkan cried in between laughs. "Who knew Jafar could be like this!?" Yam glared at everyone before finishing eating and taking her leave.

"I have some things to get to before the party starts. Please excuse me." Jafar stood with her and looked her in the eyes. They both nodded and that made Sinbad confused. Then they both excused themselves and left together. Sinbad was curious, and wanted to find out why they were suddenly just being kind to each other. Suddenly Rurumu stood up and excused herself, along with Pisti. Now that just left the boys. Hmmm. Suspicious. Everyone was feeling the same way, by the looks on their faces.


Jafar was a dancer, after all, so he needed to dance with Sandra and the others that night. But sadly, he didn't have anything to wear. And there was another thing, over the past year, Jafar had met up with Morgiana again. (She was mentioned in the first chapter as a slave along with Jafar) She had been freed and Jafar learned that Jamil got what he deserved and was now dead. And Jafar had shown Badr to Sin, and they'd found out he wasn't related to him. This was all kinda stressful for Jafar, but he was happy Morgiana was ok.

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