Season 3: chapter 4

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Hmmmmmmmm. So.... I was bored... and I kinda um... did something... lalalalalalala. You'll just have to wait and see.

Time skip: a year later/ the battle of Magnostadt

This was becoming irritating. This huge black djinn was almost unstoppable! Sinbad had even brought all of the seven seas alliance and they couldn't defeat it! It was so frustrating! Suddenly Alibaba started to fall. He'd run out of magoi to keep his djinn equip up. He was going to fall to his death at this rate! "Alibaba!" Aladdin called out.

But before anyone could get to Alibaba, someone else caught him. It was... Morgiana! Alibaba made a shocked face, seeing that Morgiana was flying using her chains. When did she get so good at using them?! Sinbad flew down to the ground to meet with Alibaba, Morgiana and Aladdin. "Are you alright?" Sinbad asked. Alibaba nodded.

"Yeah. I'm fine. But Morgiana, how did you do that!?"

"Yeah, Morg, how'd you do that?" Morgiana smiled and turned around to reveal someone Sinbad wasn't expecting to see anytime soon. Yunan. He smiled and waved at Sinbad.

"Hey, Sinbad. It's been a long time!" He called as he walked over to the group. Sinbad clenched his fists in anger as he remembered that Yunan took Jafar away form him a year ago.

"Where's-" Before he could continue, a hand wrapped around Sinbad's. Sinbad looked over to see who it was. It was Jafar! Sinbad's eyes started to water up and he hugged Jafar. "I thought you promised not to leave me ever again!" Sinbad yelled. Jafar patted Sinbad's back.

"I know... and I'm sorry... I'm... so... sorry...!" Jafar was full on sobbing now. When Sinbad pulled away from the hug, he was met with sheets of paper in his face. "Here's my research progress." He said. Sinbad sighed and pushed the paper out of his face. He then turned to the others. Morgiana had flown off to fight the black djinn and Alibaba got back into his full body equip and followed her. Aladdin wasn't too far behind. Sinbad turned back to Jafar. Jafar started to walk away from him.

"Where are you going!?" Sinbad asked. Jafar turned to look at Sinbad. He smiled.

"To fight, of course."


"Do you really think me and Morgiana spent the past 2 years not mastering our devil powers?" Jafar asked. Sinbad pouted a little but nodded. Then they both flew up and started to fight the black djinn.

No one:

Once the black djinn was defeated, everyone returned back to their countries. But not everything was the same. Jafar seemed to be avoiding Sinbad. Even in meetings, he seemed to be scooting away from Sinbad a little. It was like he was uncomfortable around him. It also got the point where Jafar would stop coming to eat with everyone and just grab food after they had eaten. Sinbad was becoming a little-really- mad at this.  He planned on getting some answers from Jafar.


Sinbad fast walked down the hallway to Jafar's office. He could hear the sounds of papers rustling in the room signaling that Jafar was inside. Sinbad opened the door, surprising Jafar. "Oh-um- Sin, I- um didn't expect you to come here. Do you need anything?" He asked. Sinbad closed the door behind him and sat down across from Jafar. That seemed to get Jafar more uncomfortable. "Really, Sin, what do you need? I can get it for you. I have a few papers for you to sign-." Jafar yelped when Sinbad grabbed his wrist. "S-Sin!?" He asked, pulling away.

Sinbad sighed. "Why have you been so distant ever since you've returned?" He asked. Jafar turned away.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Oh-ho-oh. So he is trying to avoid the question. Sinbad thought.

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