Chapter 6: part two

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Ok yup. This picture has me in love with Sinja. I can imagine a modern day AU where they go to the beach and Sinbad makes Jafar take a picture with him. You know, I might make a modern AU of this picture. We'll see. Ok here part two!


Taking it step after step, Jafar made his way through the crowds. He needed to find Sin. But how? Sin was nowhere to be seen. He saw some dancers walking away from the crowd, preparing themselves for the dances. He thought of how they danced. He'd never seen dance performances before, and got a bone chilling feeling full of excitement he'd never felt before. He bit his lower lip, moving forward in the crowds. Sin had to be somewhere. But how would Jafar know where he was? That's when he got an idea. Sin would probably be at a bar, drinking away. Jafar sighed and turned on his heels to race to the nearest bar.

And there he was, Sin himself, sitting at a table with a cup in one hand, a woman in the other. Jafar felt his heart tighten when he saw the girl, but started to walk up to Sin. Before he could make it to him, he was stopped by a rather drunk looking man.

"Hey~ pretty girl~ wanna hang out~?" He asked, the smell of alcohol reached Jafar's nose and he sighed. The man thought he was a girl, which would be good in assassin ways, but he wasn't an assassin anymore. He shook his head.

"Sorry, sir. I'm a little busy right now. Maybe later?" He told the man, turning to go to Sin, but was stopped right in tracks by the man grabbing his arm.

"Aw come on~ Just an hour~? It'll be fun~" Jafar was becoming more irritated by this man. He pulled away from his grip, which had loosened.

"Again, sorry. I'm really busy. Maybe you could find yourself another lady tonight." The man groaned and grabbed Jafar's arm again, this time with a tighter grip. He pulled Jafar close to him and grinned. Jafar gulped. He was in trouble, wasn't he?

"You're a really pretty lady, ya know~ I don't think you should be busy without me~" The mans hand slivered up Jafar's back, making Jafar shudder. He was stupid, and had left his darts at the hotel. He didn't want to attack him, but would if he had to. The mans hand then dropped down to grab Jafar's rear end. Jafar jumped and let out a yelp.


Even drunk, Sinbad could hear the yelp coming from another part of the room. The pretty girl in his lap blocked his view to see what was happening. Sinbad tried to look past her, but she placed her head to where he had to stare at her no matter what. "What's wrong, Sin?" She asked. No. That nickname was for Jafar to use, not her. Sinbad took a deep breath and slowly got the girl off him.

"Sorry, my lady, but I must hurry off." He told her, knowing he'd left Jafar on his own for far too long. The girl nodded in understanding and Sinbad turned to leave, only to see... Jafar being harassed by a man.


One hand locked onto Jafar's wrist, the other over Jafar's rear end. The man had pushed Jafar to a wall in the corner of the room and was trying to kiss Jafar. Jafar, to which, didn't like this interaction, and tried to push the man away with his free hand. He was still startled from the sudden touch at his ass, and was, to be honest, getting scared. The man stopped his futile attempts to kiss Jafar- well, on the lips- and tried his neck. Jafar tried to push the man away with his legs, but the man had his entire body pushed against Jafar. Jafar yelped again once the man actually got his lips against Jafar's skin. "Please stop!" Jafar pleated. The man grinned as he let go of his ass and moved his hand to Jafar's legs. Jafar stiffened almost immediately.

But before the man could do anything else, a hand came over his shoulder. The man turned over to look at the person. Jafar still had his eyes closed but prayed that he had gotten his savior. "Can't you see he doesn't like that?" That voice. It was Sin. Jafar still kept still and eyes closed, although his heart lifted when he heard that gentle voice.

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